Sunday, September 13, 2009

This was an awesome day

I pulled into the church parking lot this morning whispering a prayer. "Lord, just get me through today." For some reason, I had a bad vibe about even going to church.

O, Ye of little faith.

I can't remember when I've enjoyed a Sunday more than I did today. Right from the start things were light-hearted, fun, Spirit-filled, and very, very relevant.

Sunday school was great even though I can't pinpoint any special reason. Our lesson was about the paralytic who was lowered through the roof to see Jesus. That truly was an act of great faith but I was struck by the thought of seeing the man as he walked out. Mark 2:12 says that he went out and everyone was amazed and glorified God. But I wonder how he went out. Did he jump up and run out, turning back flips and triple axels, whooping and hollering and giving high-fives to the onlookers? Or was he so humbled by Jesus's grace and mercy that he simply arose and walked out the door, praising God in his heart in silent awe of the power and majesty of the Son of God?

I guess we'll never know. But I'm not sure it matters either way, as long as God gets the glory. As long as God's blessings don't get turned into attention-getters.

Dr. Golden was in the zone this morning. That was a great message about the invalid being healed at the pool at Bethesda. I think if I had been that guy (John 5:1-15), when Jesus asked if I wanted to be healed I would have said, "YES! Yes, yes, yes." No explanation, no sob story, just please heal me before You change Your mind. I guess I would be afraid that I would change His mind for Him.

But the question today was, "Why didn't Jesus just heal everyone there? Why only the one man?"

I have to say that Jesus did heal everyone. His sacrifice covered everyone from then until now and beyond. But this man chose to accept the healing. He said, "I can't get healed without You. You'll have to do it otherwise I will never be healed."

It all comes down to choice again. We have to choose salvation, to accept Jesus, to repent and surrender to Him. We have to choose to die to ourselves daily and walk with Him. We must choose to live and love as He wants us to. We must choose to stay near to Him through our disciplines and not let the world drag us away. We have to choose to remain set apart from the world and let them persecute and hate us for His glory. The power is there, we have to choose it.

Okay, I'm almost done. Juli did an amazing job singing Mighty to Save this morning. She has never sounded better and it set the tone for the rest of the service. I just realized that it sounds like I'm giving a play-by-play of church today. Oh well.

Finally, the point of the sermon that really hit home. Revelation 3:20. You remember that whole "stand at the door and knock" thing? Dr. Golden noted that we always use that in an evangelistic sense. But the writer is not addressing the lost. He is writing to the church in Laodicea. Jesus is saying that He wants to be let in to the church. If the church will open its door and let Him come in and dine, it will be granted to them to sit with Him on His throne. How's that for getting smacked in the face.

And right before that, Jesus says that He disciplines and reproves those that He loves. Good stuff.

And don't even get me started about Sunday night.

You Tennessee fans should thank me. I was going to post about counting chickens.

Have a great Monday. Ask God today what is in your life that is keeping you from Him and let Him remove it.

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