Friday, July 31, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you......

Gringott's Bank. That's right. Diagon Alley is not in London, it's in Vienna. And I was there.

Okay, so that's cheesy but it's the first thing I thought of when I saw this building. Potter fans unite!


Well, we are home. Hallelujah!

What a trip it was! I will go on and on in future posts and tell stories just like everyone else but this is not the post for that. This post is dedicated to homecoming.

Words can't say how happy I am to be back where I belong. Europe is beautiful, and being the history freak that I am, I can never see enough Renaissance art and architecture. And the Roman ruins in Vienna honestly had me choked up because I couldn't believe I was standing next to something I have dreamed of seeing for so long. I saw statues dedicated to Caesar Augustus (yes, the same one from Luke 2:1), Emperor Constantine, etc., etc. Like I said, on and on.

But I spent two weeks on a mission trip in a tiny Gypsy village with JGen. My JGen. Not mine to own but mine that God has blessed me to be a part of. It will make your hearts explode with joy when you see the photos of them with the kids from Tataresti. The happiness they brought to those under-privileged children in one short week will stick with them for the rest of their lives. The JGenners put smiles on the faces of kids who have very little to be happy about, they played with them, laughed with them, prayed with them, treated them as equals while their own neighbors shun them and oppress them. They loved them. And most of them have felt very little love in their lives.

Sarah, Virginia, Hannah, Hayley, Rachel, Spenser, John (JGenner now by default), I am more proud of you than ever. And I know that God is pleased with you, too. You put a face to the Name of Jesus these past two weeks. The kids there that surrendered to Him will always remember you all as the proof that He is real and that He loves them. I love you all.

But I have to confess. I was a complete jerk for most of the trip. I picked the wrong time to break a nicotine addiction. It was the biggest struggle I've ever faced and the two week headache due to withdrawal affected everyone around me. My mood was sour and my attitude bitter, as I told Spenser and John, I was the spirit of discord and bitterness. I'm terribly sorry to all of you for acting like a butt. But you showed your true character by overlooking me and not letting me get in the way.

However, the sun is shining. I am now tobacco free. I know many of you are happy about this but no one more than me. It feels like broken chains, to be honest. Praise God for breaking them.

Favorite homecoming story: About four days ago, we were eating ice cream (gelato) at this little streetside cafe thing. I had the "X-Trem Minta." I commented that the mint was a little minty-er that day. Hayley Taylor, who was dying to get home, said, "Yeah, the mint is minty-er, the sky is bluer, the grass is greener because we are one more day closer to home."

I cracked up.

Good to be back, y'all. Even though the time change and jet-lag has me waking up at 3:30 a.m. I'm doing laundry as I blog.

Happy Friday. Mays clan... be safe and have fun at the beach.