Thursday, April 23, 2009

If this ticks you off, well, sorry.

Spanky with an earring ...(and a freakishly long left ear lobe).


I know that we don't really deal with "what-if's" here in Christianland, but my mind went a-drifting on me today. I couldn't help but think about how the Bible might read a little differently.

What if Noah had said, "Are you kidding me??? I don't have time to build a boat. The family's always demanding my attention, my career is really taking off, and besides, it never rains anyway. Sorry. I'm out."

What if Abraham had said, "Yeah, right. Whatever. I'm not going to Egypt. The property taxes are too high, the new Pharaoh is too liberal, and even if I did, there's no way I'm gonna turn around and walk all the way back to Canaan. Oh! And another thing, if You think I'm walking three days just to kill my son, You've lost your ever-lovin' mind."

What if Jacob had said, "Thanks for the workout and the nickname, but I've got alot going on right now. I'm not really interested in fathering a great nation."

What if Joseph had said, "They made fun of me, threw me in a hole, and sold me on the black market. Let 'em rot for all I care. I've got it made."

What if Moses had said, "A bush?!? I'm talking to a bush. And it's on fire. I must be losin' it. Think I'll go back to the tent and take a Tylenol. Besides, I don't even feel like delivering the mail, much less half a million people."

What if Rahab had said, "Psst! Hey, you. Soldier boy. Check the roof. And be sure to come back on payday."

What if Samson had said, "That Delilah's pretty hot. Think I'll get a buzzcut and settle down with her. My arms are tired."

What if Samuel had said, "Anybody here named David? No? Okay, then. Eliab, I guess you'll do."

What if Solomon had said, "I want a big house, lots of wives, and a bunch of money. Oh! And about a thousand pre-nups."

What if Esther had said, "You want me to what??? I don't think so!! He gets really cranky when you do that."

What if Job had said, "Thanks for nothing, God. I'm done with You."

What if Isaiah had said, "There he is, Lord. Send him."

What if Daniel had said, "Sure. I'll play along. Anything to keep me away from the lions. They're frikkin' huge!"

What if Jonah had said, "(cough, cough) Whew! That was close! Now if I hurry, I can still make the 4:10 to Tarshish."

What if Matthew had said, "Dude, it's like April. This is my busy season. And with all the revisions to the tax laws, I'm swamped."

What if Peter had said, "No thanks. They're biting really good today."

What if James and John had said, "The economy's in the crapper. I can't just up and be changing jobs right now. I've got a retirement to think of. Besides, we've got about a gazillion more nets to go."

What if? If all these great followers of God that we hold up as heroes had thought of their own lives, their desires for life, their dreams and wishes, how different would things be? If selfishness had made their decisions, what would be different?

I think nothing. Nothing but the names in the stories.

God has a plan and man will not thwart it. But think of the opportunities they would have missed. Think for a moment how their lives would have been different if they had said, "No."

How many opportunities do we miss out on because we stop to think of what we want and how it will screw up our plans? When God calls on us, will we obey, and be a part of something amazing that He is doing? Or will we choose to hang on to our pre-determined and self-scripted lives; the lives we think we deserve?

What if Jesus had said, "Hellooo! Son of God here! If you think I'm going down there in all that mess and dying for a bunch of people that hate Us already, then You're crazy. Let them all rot in Hell. That's the least they deserve. They're just going to do what they want and slap My Name on it, anyway."

Then everything would be different.

It's Friday!!! And 80 degrees!

This is a test to see how mobile blogging works. I may not use it much but for those moments of inspiration during the workday, at least I have the capability to bless your days with wisdom.

Enjoy. :)