Monday, March 2, 2009

No preaching tonight...

...because it's late and I'm tired. I just got home, just got a shower, just fixed a burger (I call it the "Big Chuck"), and it's almost midnight. So I have just a few random things to mention.

1) Heather, Sarah and Virginia, this is Fire Marshal Bill. So when I walk around with my upper lip tucked in, as in the photo above, you'll understand. Proceed with your old man jokes as you will, I can take it.

2) A few of you good, lovely people gave me a much needed and much appreciated gift today. Thank you. It's not even my birthday! That happens next week, by the way. I'll be 25.

3) I really do thank God for this past weekend. I know it was more for the kids than me but what a great God He is to speak to all of us there, even the leaders. Specifically, I thank Him for:

  • showing me some things in my heart

  • changing some things in my heart

  • and confirming some things in my heart

4) How, in Heaven's name, did I come away from this trip with the nickname "Kitty?" It's beyond me.

5) As soon as I get a few hours to spare, I'll upload the pics from WWJW to my Flickr site. Hopefully tomorrow night.

6) And finally, God continues to teach me about the many different faces of love. How it comes from Him, reflects Him, brings glory to Him, and endures (long-suffers for you KJV-er's) like Him.

Being real is about expressing love. It's about being the person God wants me to be and living in response to His love and the love He wants me to share. So my attitude toward certain things has changed. Most importantly, no more free passes. I've always been one to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye because I didn't want to anger someone or endanger a friendship. That's not being a very good friend. I am not willing to overlook certain issues anymore because love demands that those we love be where they need to be with God. So, in the future, I'm going to try to be more honest with people and be a better compass. It's not because of selfishness or control, personal desires or motives. It's because of love. I hope you will do the same for me when I need it.

I'm going to bed now. If I can stop watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. It's on television right now. You'd think I haven't seen it four dozen times.