Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Here are a few things....just in case

If you think the next two weeks will be hard for you, just remember the people who will be tolerating me. Two weeks without Mountain Dew, Fudge Rounds, or tobacco. This is the reason that mission trips are a sacrifice. It is very unlikely that I will be able to remain light-hearted and jovial under such circumstances. But I am happy to be ridding myself of tobacco once and for all. It worked the last time I went so let's hope lightning strikes twice. And this time I will not start back. Hold me accountable.

This trip will most certainly be life-changing, and considering the people who are going, then it will also be church-changing. There is definitely something brewing and I can't wait for it. If I were to choose a group of people to fly off to a foreign country with, these would be the people. There are a few others I wish could be there with us and you all will be missed, but maybe next time.

I appreciate what Benji said tonight. I am stoked about returning home and getting to work with a new attitude and a new passion for the ministry. Something great is just a few weeks away and I am grateful to God that He is allowing me to be a part of it. His mercy never ceases to amaze me.

For those of you staying behind, I hope you know how much I love you all and want nothing less than God's best for you. Please don't worry too much about your loved ones as they are in God's care and His hand will be on us as we travel. Do not cease to pray for us while we are away because I can tell you from personal experience that those prayers are felt and treasured even 9000 miles away. The greatest excitement on a trip like this is the anticipation of coming home and sharing the stories with you who walk with us here.

Finally, I wish with all my heart that the whole JGen group was going along. The last ten months of Friday nights have been amazing and I can't imagine what things were like before. Take care of things while we're gone and, Lord willing, we'll be back in a few weeks with a renewed Spirit and passion.

I've had international roaming activated on my phone so if you just can't stand us being out of touch, feel free to call or text. Dial as normal, so I'm told. We'll be in touch, I'm calling it the "Homesick Hotline."

Check here for posts from Romania. Not that I'll have time but, hey, ya never know.

Adio. Te iubesc foarte mult.

Dumnezeu te mai ţine în siguranţă în timp ce noi suntem departe.