Sunday, February 28, 2010

Safety-toed shoes optional

Here's a better picture of new niece. She's all cleaned up and pretty in this one. You should probably get used to seeing these posted at random here.


I've heard a lot of good stuff about Dr. Golden's sermon today. I couldn't be there for it 'cause I was providing the voice for shepherd-boy David in the Can-Do Club. That was fun, but very exhausting with the seven words I had to say.

From what I've been told, God's Word was never spoken as plainly as it was today. That's awesome. I mean, really, really awesome. I think we need more of that in churches today. I know that sounds kinda weird, but it seems that most of the time preachers put all these disclaimers on their sermons or water them down to be less offensive. Or less convicting.

I'm not advocating that good ol' shin-kicking, toe-stepping kind of sermon. Too often you hear people talk about how "that preacher up there shore stepped on mah toes!" But that usually can be interpreted as he preached a sensitive sermon that so-and-so should have heard. Stepping on toes is a good thing, but only if the owner of the toes takes it to heart that God was speaking to them.

We are definitely living in the age of the ear-tickler. So it's refreshing and praise-worthy when a man of God brings a relevant sermon to a church body that needs to hear it. But it's truly awesome when he brings it in a humble and compassionate manner.

Next topic -- as mentioned to the right, Sunday school this month is about how church is done wrong these days. I'm looking forward to this because if you take an honest look around, you can see how churches are getting out of line in some areas. I'm not throwing stones here because I believe it's common to all churches. I haven't read too far ahead so I don't know all that we'll discuss, but it's a good time for us to take a look in the mirror and compare how our way of doing things matches up with God's way.

Who knows? Maybe we'll step on some toes.