Monday, June 7, 2010

Death Journal

On Sunday morning, Padre Johnson challenged us to contemplate death. Specifically, our own death. It wasn't really a challenge, I guess, just something he mentioned in passing with the point that if we've never thought much about death, we might want to. Well, okie dokie.

Actually, I thought it was a strange idea but it has stuck in my head so I've been giving it some thought. He probably meant death as in eternity, heaven/hell, death or life, but I've taken a different approach.

Imagine that.

I've been taken with the idea of what would it be like if my death were expected sooner rather than later. How would things be if, suddenly, my death was a certainty? Yes, I know it is certain but I mean like before the rest of you go in the impending apocalypse of 2012.

For instance, a lot of people dwell on the question of what people will say about them in the future. I recall a comment from Dolly Parton (of all people) when she was asked what she wanted people to say about her in 100 years. She replied, "I hope they say she looks good for her age." It's funny to me how some use humor to be evasive about an obviously uncomfortable subject.

The thought of death is much more ominous and disturbing today than it used to be. Life used to be hard. Even the well-to-do of centuries past weren't guaranteed a long, happy life. In fact, the philosophy of "pursuit of happiness" was a completely unheard of concept until Thomas Jefferson wrote it in the Declaration of Independence. Therefore, people didn't dread the thought of passing on into paradise, they embraced it with anticipation. But today, we do indeed live the good life. Exceptional medicines, scientifically enhanced foods, bio-friendly emissions, and physically un-stressful occupations have all helped to extend the years of life. And that's just fine for most of us. Live long and live happy, push death off as long as you can.

So, back to me. I've been wondering, "What would my immediate circle be like if I found out that I wouldn't last the year? How would my friends around me react?"

Ryan might say, "Can I have your TV?"

Juli would most likely say, "This is because of your tobacco use, isn't it? I told you it would catch up with you!"

Isaac would say, "Bye bye, Chutsie!"

Sarah would wonder where she would go for cookies. Spenser would probably say, "Hang on a minute while I check the scores."

And Virginia would most definitely say, "Yeah, I know. I overheard you tell someone else."

And on and on it goes. Of course, I'm having a laugh at the expense of others but that's just what I do. I actually have many other, more serious thoughts on the subject but that will take other posts. It's interesting to think about. You should try it.