Friday, October 31, 2008

Truth Rebellion

So here we go. The first mention of rebellion, revolt, revolution. It was bound to happen so I'm getting it out of the way. I can hear the glycerin pills being swallowed already.

The Truth Rebellion - not a rebellion against truth. It's a rebellion FOR truth. This is what JGen is all about. It's a new reformation, it's getting God out from behind all the things we use to block Him and the work of His Spirit. I guess it's simply an attitude. But it's an attitude with desire and hunger. An attitude that is angry about what our faith has become because of choosing to ignore His truth. It's an attitude that is fed up with seeing diluted worship and a quenched Spirit. So we put the attitude to work.

Truth is absolute - not relative. It doesn't apply differently to each situation. It is the standard. I don't want an ever-changing standard. I want one that is unmoveable. And that is what God's truth is. Unchangeable. As things start to change around us I hope we all stay focused on the truth as it is in Him.

Starting Point

So it's okay to be angry, but it's not enough. You have to do something about it, and you have to start with yourself. - Ms. Mays

I've been thinking alot about the emerging young adult ministry we're starting and the whole birth of this thing this week. It's been an amazing work of God, and to see and be part of it is really unexplainable. From ideas to actions, He has given the same inspiration to those of us involved. Only He can do that.

But there's a catch. As we plan and build this ministry, I couldn't help but think about myself. What I mean is my spiritual condition. I am probably closer to God than I've ever been. So, green light, right? Go forth. Not necessarily.

God wants me to use times like this to check myself. As with all things God brings us to, there are personal reasons, too. I can plan and preach and pray all I want but God wants me to keep an eye on my own heart as well. If I'm not where I'm supposed to be, I could seriously cripple this ministry. My sin and rebellion could affect the course the ministry takes. I don't want that. I don't want to be a "curse" on something with so much potential.

So I pray. I've been asking God to straighten me out - more. I don't want to feel like I've achieved some state of accomplishment. I want to be ever-growing in Him. Anything we do for God must begin with searching our own hearts for things that He doesn't want there. We have to start with ourselves.