Sunday, May 31, 2009

Road Trip Re-cap

Don't you just love moments of revelation?  I do.  I had one of those the other night.

On Saturday, I drove to Nashville.  While I was there I had several hours to kill and no real plan for the killing.  So after I made my "delivery" at Belmont, I headed back out to the highway to see what I could get into.  

Not much at all.  And it was wonderful.  This might get boring for you but it's my testimony so try to hang in there.

I lived in Nashville for a few years and while I was there I wasn't exactly living for God.  Nothing of the sort, actually.  My life during those years can best be summed up with two words:  bars and bad decisions (okay, so that's more than two.  Sue me).

I moved to Nashville with the intent of pursuing dreams, following my interests, and making a life for myself doing what I thought made me happy.  All the while I told myself that I was growing up, my life was taking a different direction than the people I was leaving behind, and this was just where my path led.  Funny how we can so easily convince ourselves sometimes.

The reality of it was going to bars and clubs to hear bands, surrounding myself with people who were great for partying and having "fun" but were terrible for my realtionship with God or growing spiritually, and constantly trying to cover my last poor choice by making another wrong one.  I used to poke fun at that old "slippery slope" idea until I found myself sliding all the way to the bottom of it.  Remember the parable of the prodigal son?  The Bible forgot to mention that his name was Chuck.

So I dragged myself out of the pigpen and came home trying to figure out what went wrong.  Of course, I knew all along what was wrong, even during the whole ordeal I continually disregarded the Voice inside of me that was telling me I had taken the wrong path.  It's clear to me now that most of those internal struggles I was having with decision-making weren't struggles over the decisions themselves.  It was me rejecting God's counsel and trying to find a way to justify the choice I wanted to make.  Oh, hindsight.

March 10, 2008.  I went to Nashville for a few days to celebrate my birthday. I called up some old friends and thought it would be fun to re-live the days, hear some live music that is truly on a much higher level than anything you'll hear around here, and just let my hair down.  So I did.  On Sunday night, March 9th, I was teaching middle and high school boys about the Bible and on Monday night I was hanging out in a Nashville bar, meeting the newest wave of Music City power people, and passing draught beer around like it was milk and cookies.  Wow.  Does the word dense come to anyone else's mind? 

So here's the revelation part.  Saturday night I went to Border's, Dairy Queen, a Birkenstock store that had just closed, took a drive through historic Bellemeade and then checked my watch.  I surmised that I still had about 3 hours to kill before I had to pick up my "parcels" and return to K-town.  What to do with all that time?

I went to a gas station parking lot directly across from the Belmont auditorium and read a book.  A Christian book, mind you.

See, I thought about where I could go to hang out.  The only establishments left open were the bars... the same ones I frequented years ago and even last year.  The same bands were probably playing, and some of my old acquaintances might have been there.  But I couldn't imagine even getting near them.  In fact, the thought sickened me.

The difference?  A big ol' God.

Last year, this week last year to be precise, I had an encounter with that big ol' God that I ducked and dodged years ago.  I refused to see it at the time but my birthday week in Nashville was a step backwards to those days of rebellion.  I had taken my eyes off where God had brought me, what he had done for me, and put them on what I thought I needed, again, to be content and happy in this life.  God, however, decided to show me otherwise.  He broke me, squeezed the life out of me and left me in a place to see nothing other than Him.  It's amazing how clear things become when the blinders are removed.  By blinders I mean self.

So this past Saturday was a return to the scene of the crime.  There's nothing evil or wicked about Nashville, of course.  It's a great city and I love going there and knowing my way around.  But it's a symbol of my rebellion and disobedience.  My Sodom and Gomorrah, if you will.  It symbolizes me listening to myself, following my own plans, and turning my back on the people who loved me and tried to get me to see things clearly.  And it was the idol at my altar.

So on the trip home, my "parcels" were sleeping and I was thanking God for wrecking my life.  I thanked Him for the blessings He has placed in my life now that are truly joyful and worthwhile:  my friends, true friends who love me and want me to be safe, happy, and growing in God.  JGen, the youth group, SCBC, one-year-olds and families, those stinky and irreverant middle and high school boys, those stinky and irreverant college kids [ :)], people who trust me to drive them to a concert, "sorority" checkpoints and brrooo-yay, bon-fires, lock-ins, skits, even Audio Adrenaline (of all things)!

But mostly for not letting go.  I thank God for tolerating me, for forgiving me, for loving me so much that, even after years of rebellion and seeking my own ways, He still showers me with grace.  Even when I try to chase after the things I think are good, He chases after me.

All the way my Savior leads me
Who have I to ask beside
How could I doubt His tender mercy
Who through life has been my guide

It's amazing what a little drive can do.

Didn't know I was fluent in Portuguese, huh?



Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I'm such a dad... but I bet I'll be good at it.

If possible, I am an un-married, childless father.

Just got off the phone with smays.  I was just about to post about something else when she called.  The conversation turned my thoughts elsewhere.

Virginia's birthday is today.  

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, V-BABY, MEAN TRAIN, and my favorite nick-name, STALKER MAGNET.  You're as unique and special as they come, so I hope you have a lovely day.  

Back on track.  Virginia and Sarah are going on a road trip to Nashville.  Apparently, she got Hillsong tickets as a birthday gift.  Pretty cool.  But Nash-vegas isn't a cakewalk if you've never been there.  So, as good and wise parents do, theirs required that the dynamic duo have some sort of companion-ish presence with them to make the trip safer.  I whole-heartedly concur.  Truth is, I don't like the thought of them wandering around Second and Broadway, either.  Not that they aren't responsible and capable, but I lived there for two years.  It's a different world, trust me.

So Mr. Music City stepped in.

In an instant, I went from youth/JGen leader, friend and buddy, to chaperone/alternate parent-who-can-run-off-on-a-joy-ride-to-Nashburg-because-I-really-don't-have-any-plans-to-screw-up-anyway guy.

Dang.  See?  Just like that it creeps up on you and you don't even see it coming.  I fought it for years but it has finally overtaken me.  Responsibility.  Ooohh! The word makes me shudder.

Anyway, it'll be a blast and it's a win-win for everybody.  But I'll have no age jokes, mind you.  Call it shepherding.

Besides, I have several favorite restaurants to choose from and some old friends I can call up to keep me busy.  Heck, I might even get a record deal while I'm there.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's about dang time...

I got some good news tonight.  I'm usually a very patient person, but even I have a limit.

Remember the house deal?  Well, that was a while back.  As in April 16th.  I had become discouraged at times because it seemed as if the sale was never going to happen.  O, me of little faith.

Due to banks being tight with their money, buyer financing woes, divorces (not mine), and a painfully slow credit-check process, it has taken six long weeks for the proverbial ball to start rolling again.  The buyer was finally approved.  


So the big obstacle is out of the way, all that's left is a home inspection and negotiating the final price.  My ace-in-the-hole is the ever shrewd and sly Ryan Thomas.  We're looking, tentatively, at the end of June for closing.  JGenners, roll your sleeves up.  It's time for some old-fashioned community service... by community I mean me. 

As soon as the closing date is set, I'm packing up.  Several of you wonderful people have already volunteered so I'm calling your bluff.  I'll let you know the specifics later.  Lucky for all of us, some of the heavy furniture is staying.  Like I said, shrewd and sly.

Juli Thomas, who is my shopping adviser in all things, is excited to spend my money on some new furniture and appliances, not to mention decor.  Ryan gets a little sparkle in his eye when I mention a new television.  My over-crowded "junk" room is reserved for Heather, who swears she volunteered several times to help me clean it out months ago, something I have yet to recall.  Nevertheless, guys can show off your newly acquired brawn while the pretty people have to make sure that all the colors match and the place is cozy and inviting.

Now that I have formed a plan, I'm sure it will fall apart, everyone will be busy or on vacation, and I will move everything by myself just like I did last time.  Ah, yes.  The best laid plans...

It doesn't matter, though.  I'm still really excited about the whole thing.

And the #1 reason to live in South Knoxville.... Ye Olde Steak House.

I went there tonight and my belly is really happy about it.


Monday, May 25, 2009

The world needs heroes like this one.

I stepped back into my childhood tonight.  When I was a kid, I had a hero like everyone else did.  Mine was Sgt. Alvin C. York.

The reason for this post is because the 1941 movie "Sergeant York" was on television tonight.  It stars Gary Cooper who is probably the coolest leading man of all time.  Of course it's the tale of York's life and heroism during World War 1, but the appeal of this movie is it's accuracy.

As the story goes, York was a rambunctious and unruly young man with a flare for fighting and drinking.  He had a "miraculous" conversion in his adulthood and joined the local church and, upon being drafted into the army, filed for exemption because of his religious beliefs.  He was denied and went on to become the most decorated soldier of the war for his accomplishments during the Battle of the Argonne where he captured, nearly single-handedly, 132 German soldiers and killed close to thirty.  Not bad for someone who disagreed with war altogether.

The part of the movie that really speaks is near the end.  His commanding officer is congratulating him for saving so many lives and questions him about his beliefs and why he objected in the first place.  York tells him that he was prepared to die for his country but not to kill for it.  However, when the battle raged and he saw his fellow soldiers falling, he realized that fighting fire with fire was the only way to save lives.  Thirty died but hundreds, and maybe thousands, were saved.  His final comment on the matter is that, "I don't understand the Good Lord's ways.  I'm as much again killin' as ever, but He put me in a place, and all I could do was what needed doin'."

I'll let you draw the parallels and life application principles for yourselves.  If the clip above moves a little slow for you, stick with it.  It comes around to point.

Alvin York was from Pall Mall, Tennessee.  It's a small mountain community just north of Crossville.  I visited there as a child.  Cool place.  With the money he made from his movie and book and other endorsements, he started a Bible college.  He died in 1964.

Where have all the real heroes gone? 

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Well, I don't really know if anyone is reading this...

Hopefully, all the changes didn't screw it up too badly.  If you found this blog at the new address, comment and let me know so I don't spend the next three or four days trying to figure out what I did wrong.

I would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to Juli.  Most of the time, I spend my energy picking at her ('cause it's fun) but, since it's her day, I'll be nice.  

First, she did a heckuva job picking out a man.  And, knowing Ryan like I do, I must say that Juli is probably one of the most patient women I know.  Second, she has re-defined my idea of a good wife and mother.  And thirdly, she and Hubby have both gone way, way above and beyond the call of duty for me.  Friends like those two only come around about once in a lifetime.  And heaven knows it can't be easy being a friend to me.  Thanks, guys.

On a selfish note, I would like to ask that you pray for me.  I could use some extra help.

Have a great weekend.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just a few things...

First, I like what the Grand High Potentate had to say tonight about misfits. He's totally correct that we should be misfits everywhere. We shouldn't fit in at school or work or anywhere else that we aren't around God's people. We are set apart and that should be visible. Oil and water.

It's funny that I've been sort of facing this recently. It seems that no matter where I am, I'm out of place. And then I go to church or wherever you good people are and it's like the puzzle pieces all fit together. This has been most noticable at my job. I work with some good guys, some are very strong Christians. But they aren't walking the same path I'm on, and they aren't walking at the same pace.

I hate to say that at times I've tried to walk with the "world." It is extremely tiring to try to walk two separate paths, especially when those paths are constantly getting farther away from each other. Walking with God and trying to walk with the world is like that. The paths are never parallel and they never converge or intersect. The gap is always widening. And constantly swimming upstream eventually tires a person out and leaves them adrift in the current.

Second, and this might not be a big deal to most folks, but I got treated to dinner tonight and that's HUGE to me. It's a very seldom occurrence. I am extremely thankful for Virginia, Sarah, and Spenser, not just for dinner but for pretty much everything about them.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Do you ever feel like you have sooooo much going on....

that if something doesn't give, each cell in your body is going to split off in its own direction causing you great physical pain?

I do.


I'm sure you've heard all the controversy surrounding "Angels and Demons." It's the prequel to "The DaVinci Code" and is just as offensive to Christianity, so they say. Being a curious sort, I couldn't resist reading it. I'm about halfway through it now and I absolutely must finish it before I see the movie.

I can understand why some people wouldn't like it, especially if you're of the Catholic persuasion, but I really don't understand why there has to be a "witch trial" of sorts from the national church.

Two words: it's fiction.

Yes, the book pretty much runs down everything we believe in. Yes, it exalts science and astro-physics as the fundamental truths of the universe and creation. And yes, it glorifies any and all opponents to Christianity, not to mention painting the Catholic faith as moronic and narrow-minded.

Two more words: it's fiction.

I am in no way defending the book, author, or movie. But I can read a book for the purpose of reading a book.

I look at fiction as fantasy. It's an escape, something I do to take me away from my everyday cares and concerns. If I'm looking to elevate my theology, I'll pick from a different shelf.

I think my big gripe is how the Christian flag-waving community gets all torqued out over a best-seller, but sometimes ignores the less fashionable issues. That's just kinda following the world, I think. Didn't Someone already win those battles?

I don't think we should try to stand toe-to-toe with the world's issues. I don't think we should use the same platform to voice our side of the argument. We are commanded to be humble, meek, Christ-like, and let our actions and our ways speak for us. God promises to set the world straight about Him in His appointed time. Until then, let's just keep living for God, spreading His message, and leave the politics out of it. It's a distraction, just Satan's way of painting us all in a negative light, anyway.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I'm giving you fair warning...

As of Friday, May 22, the address of this blog will change. The new address will be:


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pick a card, any card

There's something very wrong about a VBS mascot that looks demon-possessed. This is Karl the Koala. I bet he leaves some of the kids scarred for life.


I took only a few pictures at the lock-in because there was just too much going on for me to focus (no pun intended) on taking photos. Oh well, maybe next time.

Speaking of the lock-in, I've been thinking about all the prayer time we've had this weekend, Sunday night included, and I wanted to share one or two things on my heart.

First, I have a problem with people. Not everybody, mind you, but I spent alot of time this weekend wanting God to teach me how to handle a certain kind of person. I've asked Him to show me if my issues are real and true or if it's just me being difficult. That's not outside the realm of possibility, ya know. I don't ever want to assume that I'm right about everything so I really need God's wisdom on this. I may be old, but I'm still learning. Help me pray about this if you don't mind.

And second, there is one word that kept coming up this weekend. Choices.

I'm not sure what this means but I've been thinking alot about that word. Benji's been teaching about choices on Wednesdays and I've tried to focus on how I choose things in my life. My past is riddled with making the wrong choice, I mean over and over and over, but what things are choices in our lives?

One of my favorite authors wrote, "How do we start out one way, and by the time life has finished with us, end up different?"

The answer is choices. Salvation is a choice. Sin is a choice. Commitment and devotion are choices. Our spiritual disciplines like prayer and Bible study are choices. How we treat people is a choice. Humility is a choice. Selfishness, self-righteousness, pride, and self-centeredness are choices. Relationships are choices. Everything is a choice. And those choices are what keep us close to God and in His will or take us away from Him by following the path that suits our desires. Loving God is a choice.

So good grief, Charlie Brown, how do we make the right choice all the time? Well, we don't. We won't. There is no way to make the right decision every single time. But when we make the wrong one, and this is the really cool and awesome Jesus part, we don't have to keep making other wrong ones to cover the first wrong one. We can make it right. All we have to do is recognize it, take it to God in repentance and He'll help us back on to the right road. There is never a situation that is too sticky for God. No matter how bad we screw things up with our choices, God can fix it. But we have to take it to Him and let Him do it His way.

The choices we make can change our lives in an instant. Please allow Captain Experience here to assure you that choices define our lives. That's not something to play around with. We should make all our decisions in prayer and with an attitude that says, "I'm going to make the decision that keeps me close to God and best shows Him through me."

Don't be afraid to choose, but more importantly, don't be afraid to confess it when you choose wrong. I promise you that telling your screw-ups to God and asking Him to lead you through the fix-'er-up process is the most freeing thing you can ever do. Just ask anyone who has nearly ruined their life.

Oh, yay. It's Monday. (Hear the genuine excitement?)

Friday, May 8, 2009

I'm using my time wisely

It's raining.  Check that, it's Noah-style raining.  Working in the rain is not a big deal, I do it all the time.  But lightning?  Negative.  Lightning and telephone cables, which are made of copper, don't mix.  So it's 8:45 a.m. on Friday morning and I'm in the youth room at church posting this.  Not a bad start to a Friday.

With all the focus on prayer lately and with the lock-in/prayer vigil tonight, I have really been taking a close look at my prayer life.  Honestly, I'm not satisfied with it.  Maybe I'm the type who is never satisfied with anything, but when it comes to God, I hope I can never get enough.  The truth is, what's lacking in my prayer life is me.

I pray alot.  Seriously, all day every day I am constantly in communication with God in some form.  That's good, right?  Just pray and everything will be fine.  That's kinda how we're taught to think isn't it?  As long as we check in with God on a regular basis and let Him know we're thinking about Him from time to time, then He's happy with us and blessing us and it's a win - win for everybody.

The act of prayer is important, it's commanded and God longs for that communication with us.  But words are just words.  

As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man. --Proverbs 27:19

David prayed, "Search me, O God, and know my heart."  Jesus told the Pharisees, "God knows your hearts."  And in Jeremiah, we are told to seek God with all our heart.

The point is this:  Tonight, when we are all on our knees before God, listening for Him, searching for Him, and seeking Him, let's do it with a true heart.  God isn't looking for the best speaker, the best intercessor, the best meditator, or even the best praiser.  All He wants is a humble, open heart that will listen to what He has to say and then act on it.  

So let's forget about us for a while and get ourselves in line with God and what He wants to do.  He's got us all together for a reason.  I can't wait to see how He touches and changes hearts tonight.

Happy Friday.  See ya tonight!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How would you like it if God called you the meekest man on the face of the earth?

That'd be pretty cool, huh?

Now the man Moses was very meek, more than all people who were on the face of the earth. --Numbers 12:3

Aaron and Miriam were grumbling against Moses because he had married a Cushite woman. I guess those Cushite chicks were pretty hot or something. But they weren't your good ol' Southern Baptist babes so Aaron and Miriam took issue with it.

The two of them start complaining and, as Grand High Potentate Fowler says, they turn the spotlight on themselves. "God speaks to us, too, doesn't He? It's not just Moses who gets in on the action." They climb right up on their own pedestals.

God hears this and calls 'em out... literally. He calls them right out of the tent and says:

"Hear My words: If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak with him in a dream. Not so with My servant Moses. He is faithful in all My house. With him I speak mouth to mouth, clearly, and not in riddles, and he beholds the form of the Lord." --Numbers 12:6-8

W-w-wow!!! God Himself, the Creator and Master of the entire universe, gets Moses's back. He tells the Complaint Committee that they hear Him through visions and dreams, something that any of us would jump for joy at, but His boy Moses gets Him full on in the face, mouth to mouth and he gets to see Him, too. That shut 'em up good. And Miriam gets stricken with leprosy for seven days, lest they forget.

If I were Moses, I would probably come away from that with a bring-it-on-y'all attitude. But, then again, I'm not the meekest man on the face of the earth.


Here's some more from Moses that I was reading today that very nearly had me turning a triple salchow and two back handsprings right there in the truck.

And you shall remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that He might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. And He humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
Know then in your heart that, as a man disciplines his son, the Lord your God disciplines you. --Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 5

That kinda makes the tough times a little more livable, eh?

Hear, O Israel: you are to cross over the Jordan today, to go in to dispossess nations greater and mightier than yourselves, cities great and fortified up to heaven.
Know therefore today that He who goes over before you as a consuming fire is the Lord your God. He will destroy them and subdue them before you. --Deuteronomy 9:1,3

And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments and the statutes of the Lord, which I am commanding you today for your good? Behold, to the Lord your God belong heaven and the heaven of heavens, the earth with all that is in it. --Deuteronomy 10:12-14

Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no longer stubborn. For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe. --Deuteronomy 10:16,17

You shall fear the Lord your God. You shall serve Him and hold fast to Him, and by His name you shall swear. He is your praise. He is your God, who has done for you these great and terrifying things that your eyes have seen. --Deuteronomy 10:20-21

Consuming fire. God of gods. Lord of lords. Great and mighty. Awesome. Our praise and our God. Moses didn't just write down a bunch of cool words about God. In the verses above, "the Lord your God" is used nine times. And I didn't even scratch the surface of the books of Moses. I wonder, can we truly call Him that with a clear conscience?

Moses saw Him; Moses experienced Him. Thanks to Jesus, we can, too.

When I get to Glawry-land, I hope I get to talk to Moses about all those things he lived through with God. Ya know, maybe standing at the urinal during a worship-time bathroom break or something.

Happy Thursday.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Every single time...


I don't have much to say tonight. I'm finishing day three of the world's most tenacious headache. Even my miracle powders have failed this time. So what are the symptoms of swine flu, anyway?

The cartoon above makes me think about two things.

First, I sometimes wish the world was a Peanuts world again. Simpler and more honest, but mostly more innocent. Which leads me to point deux.

Picture this: Lucy = Satan, Charlie Brown = us, and the ball = temptation .

Time and time again the ball is put in front of Chuck (probably no coincidence that he and I share a name). Every single time, he falls for it. Since 1953 or something, Lucy has been putting that ball down, coaxing him to try to kick it, each time promising that she won't move it, and each time, AAUUGGH!! He always believes her.

You all are smart people so I don't have to explain the symbolism any further or expound about what this means in each of our lives. You ponder it and think on it.

Disclaimer: I am in no way supposing that sweet little Lucy is evil or satanic. Ya know, just to clarify.


Important: Thursday, May 7th is the National Day of Prayer. Churches all across America are gathering together to pray for the gub'ment, the economy, and national repentance.

We don't normally join in the local observances but this year we've decided to make Thursday a day of fasting. I'll put this on the JGen blog as well.

The purpose of this is for us to join together in prayer for the issues we face as a church and a student ministry. You can determine for yourself what those issues are. Feel free to pray for the national issues if you want to, but please lift up the specific concerns of Stock Creek and JGen, and especially each other. This is a great way to kick off the lock-in/prayer vigil.

And contact me if you have any experience in lobotomies, or if you just want to try one.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Life is a funny (and very random) place

On sale for $3.00 at a garage sale. Make an offer.
"Oh, Irony, though art emboldened."

I laughed for thirty minutes. Heck, I'm still laughing.


Some random happenings from Chucky-land:

I had a nice moment with God today. I know that sounds cheesy but it really was kinda cool. I was sitting in the truck at work while it rained (the only unusual thing about that is the rain), and I was bored. I overslept this morning because my power went out last night so I didn't have time to pack a lunch today. That's a bummer because my Bible is in my lunchbox. So it was raining, I was bored with nothing to read or do except think. Thinking can be dangerous.

But out of nowhere, I started getting that God-feeling you get when He's sort of giving you a hug. I don't know where it comes from but it feels like you're surrounded by a Holy Bubble for a few minutes and there is nothing standing between you and God. Know what I mean? I hope so.

So I had a few minutes of reflection, just thinking about how good He is as I sat there in the truck, weepy-eyed and blubbering to God about my blessing-filled life. I don't think I even noticed the rain for a while. There's not really a point to this except that God doesn't really have a schedule. He shows up at the most random times.


My partner and I were talking about the Romania trip today. I was telling him all about our itinerary and mentioned the two days in Vienna, Austria and how I was really looking forward to that. He said, and I swear this is true, "Shoot, man, you'll have to buy you one of them boomerangs."


The word is spelled authoritative, not authoratative, just in case you misspell it and someone intentionally calls your attention to it by repeating it in their reply to your text message. Oh yeah, that didn't go unnoticed.

It's been a long time since the third grade Spelling Bee at New Hopewell Elementary, which I won. Go Owls!!!

And I'm a published poet in the library there, too.


I got my hair cut tonight so if anybody's wondering who isn't graduating or who's prom dress showed too much cleavage, I'm your guy.


About the lock-in:

We'll probably eat pizza at first.

Bring your Bible. Unless you have it memorized.

We will have some pretty serious prayer time, so you might want to start preparing now.

It starts at 10:00 p.m. and you can leave when you've had enough, but you'll be a loser if you leave before daylight.


I guess that's it. Have a good day.