Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I'm such a dad... but I bet I'll be good at it.

If possible, I am an un-married, childless father.

Just got off the phone with smays.  I was just about to post about something else when she called.  The conversation turned my thoughts elsewhere.

Virginia's birthday is today.  

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, V-BABY, MEAN TRAIN, and my favorite nick-name, STALKER MAGNET.  You're as unique and special as they come, so I hope you have a lovely day.  

Back on track.  Virginia and Sarah are going on a road trip to Nashville.  Apparently, she got Hillsong tickets as a birthday gift.  Pretty cool.  But Nash-vegas isn't a cakewalk if you've never been there.  So, as good and wise parents do, theirs required that the dynamic duo have some sort of companion-ish presence with them to make the trip safer.  I whole-heartedly concur.  Truth is, I don't like the thought of them wandering around Second and Broadway, either.  Not that they aren't responsible and capable, but I lived there for two years.  It's a different world, trust me.

So Mr. Music City stepped in.

In an instant, I went from youth/JGen leader, friend and buddy, to chaperone/alternate parent-who-can-run-off-on-a-joy-ride-to-Nashburg-because-I-really-don't-have-any-plans-to-screw-up-anyway guy.

Dang.  See?  Just like that it creeps up on you and you don't even see it coming.  I fought it for years but it has finally overtaken me.  Responsibility.  Ooohh! The word makes me shudder.

Anyway, it'll be a blast and it's a win-win for everybody.  But I'll have no age jokes, mind you.  Call it shepherding.

Besides, I have several favorite restaurants to choose from and some old friends I can call up to keep me busy.  Heck, I might even get a record deal while I'm there.


  1. Not one single age joke.

    Thanks for taking care of Nace and V.

  2. Sweet, sweet Chuck. Childless fathers are always the best.

  3. So these friends you're going to call... you're talking about Faith and Tim, right? :)

  4. HA! Yeah, Tim and Faith wanted me to come over and hang out with the family and grill out. Should be fun!

    Welcome back to blogger-land.
