Sunday, December 14, 2008

Three guesses what this one is about

Big stuff going on, folks. In the course of one Sunday morning, I have seen a church full of unfamiliar faces, a children's Christmas program that was, well, different, a seven year old preach the gospel, and an outcry against idiocy that would make PETA proud. (the Webster's definition of idiocy fits to the letter, look it up)

The point I need to make here is that making decisions or taking action without seeking God is just wrong. And potentially disastrous. As I said in my most recent post, God is moving, big time. He's all over the place at church right now. So why is it that some feel the need to help Him out? Why do we jump in and try to take over when He promises to take care of things in His time? Doesn't faith demand that we trust Him to resolve things when He is ready, and when the things He has caused to work together for good have played out?

God knows what He is doing. I don't believe that man can thwart the purposes of God but I do believe that we can delay them. He gave us freewill to choose Him, but also to choose to follow His plans.

Okay, so Heather beat me to the punch on this, but I share her frustration with this matter. What is happening this week at church is just baloney (see Webster's again). Here's how I see it. If you don't like the work of a particular Search Committee then go to them and express your disagreement to them. Just like the rest of us do. Don't look for a backdoor or a loophole. Our way of doing things might be flawed but it's honest and it has been agreed upon. It works. Maybe not in a way that suits the individual, but it works for the whole. And that encourages unity. It encourages love. The opposite of that is to encourage strife and self-serving. The Bible warns of such things.

I raised my hand in support of the committee. I voted for them as did most everyone else. I have faith in them. I know three of them extremely well and consider them spiritual mentors to me. I sometimes furl my brow at their decisions or their reasoning but I still believe they are seeking God for His glory first, and for the good of the whole. My prayers are continually with them.

The church is the bride of Christ. We are His most precious. He will take care of us. He doesn't need our help to do it. He just needs our obedience and our love for Him. We just have to seek His desires and follow.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. I loved this. Thanks Chuck.
