Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas wish from me

I thought I'd share my Christmas wish with you but then I realized you probably don't care. Well, okay, not my first wish because that's personal. But my wish for everyone else, at least the two of you who probably read this.

I simply want more of God. In me, in you, in our church, in JGen, in youth, in leadership, in everybody. All it takes to make that happen is for all of us to become a little more aware, humble ourselves a little more, repent of that secret sin, stop our rebellion to God, and seek His face. I mean really seek it.

If we will put an end to our attitude that "everyone else needs to do what I've done and be like me," maybe we will see some glorious things. Moving on...

My heart goes out to those who celebrate Christmas without knowing why. Each year they take their days off work, buy presents, gather with family, go to office parties and all the other things that go along with Christmas-time. And they do it in the name of a Love they don't know. I'm talking about the people who don't know Jesus. I've always wondered how you celebrate the birth of someone you don't believe in.

You don't. You celebrate a day, not a birth. If only they knew the joy of experiencing that birth take place inside their own heart. If they could just see Christmas through redeemed eyes. I guess that's where we come in.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. I hope this coming year sees more of God in us and around us. That's up to us, also.

1 comment:

  1. I want to post something on what you said. I will soon and you will read it and you will love it! Maybe...
