Weird day. Heck, weird week. My body is at work while my mind is still on vacation, 400 miles away. The effects of that have played out very strangely.
80's music. Yes, you read that correctly. I've fallen into a phase where I am nuts for the music of my youth. Maybe that's normal in some universes, but not in mine.
Not just any music from my middle school years will do. No Ah-Ha, no Bangles, no Flock of Seagulls, no Bananarama. If those titles confuse you, then you were born after I entered high school. I've been listening to the good stuff. And it amazes me just how good it was.
Seriously, when you think of the 80's, you probably giggle a little. It was definitely excessive, materialistic, over the top fashion statements and all, but the music was amazing. I mean that from an artistic perspective, not from Casey Kasem's top 40 list. Sure there was the fluff, but some of it was just mind-blowingly good.
I have decided that every wannabe bass player and drummer should be forced to learn this song from Journey. I think I have a shirt like Steve Perry's in my closet.
Probably my favorite, for pretty much every reason, is this one. Songs today just aren't arranged like that. Anyone who considers songwriting or composing should listen to this long and hard, and then reconsider their choice of profession.
Well, that's my little trip down memory lane. Might be Alzheimer's setting in. That would explain why this post went from Salvador's yoga to Toto in about three sentences.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go trim the plushtache.
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