Well, I am still on an old movie kick so here's one of my all-time favorite comedies. It's called No Time for Sergeants (1958) and it pretty much launched the career of Andy Griffith, pre-Mayberry. The Broadway version of this movie is responsible for introducing Andy to Don Knotts, which you can see here.
Andy plays a hick plowboy from the sticks who gets drafted and shipped off to boot camp. He runs into all sorts of situations that are foreign to him, including the scene above which is his first encounter with a psychiatrist. It's a classic case of the dumb confounding the wise (shameless plug) as his simple, common sense approach to life totally flusters the poor shrink.
So here's a laugh, on me. Stick with it for the full seven minutes and you'll be glad you did. Besides, it's nearly Christmas so what else have you got to do at work?
In another scene, Will Stockdale (Andy) and his new buddy, Ben Whitledge, see a female Air Force captain for the first time. Will is struck dumb.
Ben: Will! Stand at attention. What's the matter? Ain't you never heard of the Womens Air Force?
Will: You mean they got their own?!?
Ben: Yeah.
Will: Against our'n?!?
Less is definitely more. I hope everyone laughs today. But I hope your laughter is due to something innocent and simple. That's the best kind.
Happy Christmas Eve eve.