I like to call this look Redneck/Thug.
WWJW pictures are up on my Flickr site. Click on the photo gallery or go to my photostream. I only uploaded about half of them. It takes forever.
I'm very smiley today. Maybe it's the weather. Warm and sunny makes me warm and fuzzy, I guess. But maybe it's something else.
I was thinking today about all the little busy things we have going on in our lives. Mainly the church things. There's a lot going on! JGen, Awkward, UGLY, Frequency, Live-Wire, N.O.W., Romania, lions, tigers, and bears. I can't even name them all. But there's also relationship maintenance, relationship development, accountability, and most importantly, just loving everybody. These things are important to us, they are practically our whole life. How important are they to God?
I think not very important at all. Weren't expecting to hear that, maybe? Don't like the sound of it? Great, big, all-loving God not caring?!?!? C'est impossible!!
But we are very important to Him. More important than anything. Our activities may be just what we do to stay involved with Him, but He loves us enough to involve Himself in our activities and our relationships because those are the things that keep our relationship with Him in focus. And that's what it's all about.
That's what God wants more than anything; to be in a constant state of communication and communion with us. So He intervenes in our daily lives and events, continually moving in us and around us, showing Himself to us and to others through us. It's not the things we do that matter, it's the reason we do them.
So we should occasionally stop and check ourselves and our motives. And we should always be aware that God desires us. He isn't too concerned with completing a checklist or giving out "Best New Idea of the Day" awards.
I guess there's no great point to make here. Just the way my mind was thinking today.