And second, ya wanna know what scares the pee out of me? Canned biscuits.
I fix canned biscuits because it's kinda hard and senseless to make 'em homemade for just one. A batch of four doesn't cut it.
The other night I had, for lack of a better word, a hankering for biscuits. I shuddered immediately at the thought of having to open the little buggers. I hate those cans. It's an evil, wicked person who came up with those stinking, jack-in-the-box cans.
The label says to "peel wrapper in the direction of the arrow until can pops." Pops my rear-end!! It's a thunderous explosion. I always start peeling really slow, with one eye half-opened, waiting for the inevitable but unpredictable blast. I can never guess when it's going to happen. I hold my breath, turn my head, and just when I think it's coming, nothing. So I exhale and then,
It gets me every time. I stand there waiting for the concussive wave that will blow me off my feet and across the kitchen. But what's worse is when the can doesn't open. Even after the whole label is off, the can remains a ticking time bomb. I beat it on the counter, nothing. I drop it on the floor, nothing. I kick it with my toe, nothing. So I get a knife out of the drawer, gently poke around the seam and wait for the blast wave that will propel the knife deep into my eyeball.
Strangely, this reminds me of habitual sins. Those ones that repeatedly trip us up. We all have them, don't deny it. They may seem small and insignificant, they might not even bother us most of the time, but they are there. And they remain an obstacle between us and the relationship with God that He intends for us to have.
Like canned biscuits, we hold them in our hands, hoping they don't hurt us, but knowing that at any moment they could blow up in our faces, always wondering if this will be the moment when our sin explodes and causes harm to us or our loved ones. We slowly peel away at it, exposing more of it, waiting for the inevitable pop.
Sin and canned biscuits. For Pete's sake, someone could get hurt!!!