Oh, I'm gonna pay for this one. But sometimes you just can't resist.
Big hair and a naked baby, all that's missing is a tube top and it's "Wal-Mart, here we come!"
I need to give some props to two of our very young ones tonight. They'll probably never see this but you guys will and that means something.
This morning, I had the "pleasure" of speaking in Can-Do Club for Prayz Dayz. I was asked to speak for about fifteen minutes about forgiveness. No big deal, really, except that trying talk about forgiveness to fifth graders and below is a daunting task.
So I was tore up nervous. I don't have a problem speaking to people, especially about God. I've taught all sorts of classes, delivered "sermons" (they aren't really sermons if you aren't ordained, right?), and spoken at my father's and grandfather's funerals. But the thought of facing down these children had me quivering.
After Sunday School, I made the torturously long trek down the third floor hallway, still wishing for a fire drill or something to get me off the hook. When I got near the Can-Do room, all the kids were queued up outside. All of a sudden, Bennett and Charlie break from the herd and come running, full out, toward me.
"Uncle Chip! Uncle Chip!" was all I could hear as the two boys each grabbed a thigh and squeezed my legs so tight I thought I would drop. I looked down into their smiling faces and the nerves broke. All my apprehension faded away and for the rest of the service, things went swimmingly.
Thanks, God, for suffering the little children to come unto me.
And now, I am going to fuss about the frustrations of moving. It's exciting but also quite a chore. I'm in the process of sifting through ten years of crap; crap being clothes, papers, pictures, dishes, and on and on and on.
I'm not a messy person but right now I feel like it.
I'm trying to get rid of the junk. The less crap I have, the less crap I have to move.
So those screams you hear are mine.
If I have any wonderful, dear, dedicated friends who have free evening time to help me rifle through my life, do call.
Ġesù inti tant iħobb.