Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I've been thinking...

about the parts of God we choose to ignore because they don't jibe with what we want. I mean, we all focus on God's love and His blessings, His grace, mercy, compassion, and His patience with us. And praise to Him for all those attributes, don't get me wrong. Without them, I would be dead, literally and spiritually. But what about our part of the bargain?

I think about the choices we make. We come to crossroads all the time. Some big and some small. There is a right way, which is His way, and there's a wrong way which would be following ourselves. I shamefully confess that I choose me most of the time. But that's what I want to change, to truly die to myself.

God approaches us all the time. He gives us little nudges, little whispers, even strong warnings to alert us to Him and the changes we need to make. All with the purpose of drawing us closer to Him and leading us further down the path that He wants us to go. Events like Disciple Now are usually an opportune time for this, I think, because we are always so open to hearing Him. But how often do we hear God but reason out ways to follow our desires? We ask Him to speak to us, then don't listen to what He says.

Benji got me thinking about this tonight when he talked about accountability. We talk alot about loving each other, but is it real or merely selective? Is it only a love of convenience, there as long as we don't contradict each other?

I can't say for sure how I would react to someone approaching me and telling me I need to make a change. I like to think I would respectfully listen then prayerfully consider their words and walk away loving them the same, or even more for loving me enough to get involved. That's really what Jesus had in mind for His bride. That is true accountability. But would I, could I do that? Could you?

To bring this all around to point, ponder this:

Then the Lord made for them a statute and a rule, and there He tested them, saying, "If you will diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and do that which is right in His eyes, and give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, your Healer." --Exodus 15:25, 26

Obedience brings blessings. Obedience also brings averted judgments. Faithfulness to the word of God is the means by which we continue to receive the benefits of the relationship with God. It would be nice to receive favor for nothing, just as Christ died for us while we were sinners. But in order to grow, in order to learn Him and fulfill His plan, we must hear, listen, and be obedient. That's why He sent His Spirit to guide us.

How many blessings have I missed by listening to me? How many nudges and warnings have I ignored, blown off because they didn't fit with my plan? Because I wouldn't let God wreck my life?

How many times have I chosen to not approach someone because I didn't trust in their love for me? And how many people don't trust in my love for them enough to approach me? If we're not loving like that, we are just noisy cymbals. (see 1 Corinthians 13)

It seems poor, old Jonah keeps showing up. God spoke and he himself. He ignored God's voice because he didn't love. His judgment was not averted.

While we focus on the attributes of God that we like, let's not forget to love Him in return. We do that by following His word and His ways. And blessings will follow.

And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God. --Deuteronomy 28:2