On sale for $3.00 at a garage sale. Make an offer.
"Oh, Irony, though art emboldened."
I laughed for thirty minutes. Heck, I'm still laughing.
Some random happenings from Chucky-land:
I had a nice moment with God today. I know that sounds cheesy but it really was kinda cool. I was sitting in the truck at work while it rained (the only unusual thing about that is the rain), and I was bored. I overslept this morning because my power went out last night so I didn't have time to pack a lunch today. That's a bummer because my Bible is in my lunchbox. So it was raining, I was bored with nothing to read or do except think. Thinking can be dangerous.
But out of nowhere, I started getting that God-feeling you get when He's sort of giving you a hug. I don't know where it comes from but it feels like you're surrounded by a Holy Bubble for a few minutes and there is nothing standing between you and God. Know what I mean? I hope so.
So I had a few minutes of reflection, just thinking about how good He is as I sat there in the truck, weepy-eyed and blubbering to God about my blessing-filled life. I don't think I even noticed the rain for a while. There's not really a point to this except that God doesn't really have a schedule. He shows up at the most random times.
My partner and I were talking about the Romania trip today. I was telling him all about our itinerary and mentioned the two days in Vienna, Austria and how I was really looking forward to that. He said, and I swear this is true, "Shoot, man, you'll have to buy you one of them boomerangs."
The word is spelled authoritative, not authoratative, just in case you misspell it and someone intentionally calls your attention to it by repeating it in their reply to your text message. Oh yeah, that didn't go unnoticed.
It's been a long time since the third grade Spelling Bee at New Hopewell Elementary, which I won. Go Owls!!!
And I'm a published poet in the library there, too.
I got my hair cut tonight so if anybody's wondering who isn't graduating or who's prom dress showed too much cleavage, I'm your guy.
About the lock-in:
We'll probably eat pizza at first.
Bring your Bible. Unless you have it memorized.
We will have some pretty serious prayer time, so you might want to start preparing now.
It starts at 10:00 p.m. and you can leave when you've had enough, but you'll be a loser if you leave before daylight.
I guess that's it. Have a good day.