This is hell week. Even with all the late nights and preparation for the impending move, I am still behind. It seems that the more I try to get ahead, the farther away the finish line moves. Here's an example:
Saturday was supposed to be a packing day. Instead, I spent the day with Ryan building a deck on the back of the house. FHA required some sort of landing off the back door, even though the insurance company was satisfied with a padlock. So we set forth to construct a small 4' x 4' balcony just to appease the gubment. Well, the buyers, who originally agreed to take the house pretty much "as is", decided they would like a more usuable space. So the small balcony turned into a full-blown deck, 8' x 8', which doubled the price of materials and the labor. Did I mention it was 375 degrees on Saturday? I guess I might as well remodel the whole dang house for them.
Don't poke the bear.
Moving on. Tonight, I left work and went to buy a refrigerator, delivered and installed the fridge, blew off a haircut appointment because of time constraints, finished the last piece of the immaculate deck, and retired inside to do some more packing. The good news is that I only have one room left to pack. The bad news is it is the back junk room. Aptly named.
Don't poke the bear.
In the midst of all of this physical exertion, I have the overwhelming task of transferring all utilities, getting renter's insurance, signing papers in advance because the closing date falls during our Romania trip, and trying to schedule myself to be available at the new place for installs and such. I have now arrived at the fabled place called Wit's End.
But today I realized something. I shared this with Juli and Ryan, who I think agreed. I now know what the Bible means when it speaks of a help meet. I think the original Hebrew translates, "it is not good for man to be alone because moving is too involved and time-consuming, so I will make him a help meet for him." People don't marry because of love, it's because no one is capable of doing crap like this alone. It takes two because there's too much to do.
Of course I'm joking! But I do think a rent-a-spouse business would really go for those in similar predicaments.
Please pray for my dwindling sanity.
And welcome to Jessie Mikles, who I just noticed as a new follower. Jessie, I promise not all my posts are this whiney and hateful. That doesn't mean they are good, though.
Happy Tuesday, y'all.