We finished up our Sunday night study tonight on "Awakening." It's been a great study and really sets up where we are going next. I can't wait for the new study to start.
Tonight's topic was suffering. We talked alot about how Jesus suffered and how we can rejoice to share in the sufferings and persecutions that He faced. But Benji and I had an interesting conversation early tonight about when suffering and joy are linked.
Pain, pleasure and purpose--what about when they are all in the same place? What if the source of the suffering is also the source of joy? Jesus suffered for us, in our place. But it was also His purpose here to do so. He took great pleasure in redeeming us because of His limitless love for us. So His pleasure in becoming our mediator could not come without the pain associated with His persecution and death.
Sometimes it is so with us. The place of our pain is also where our pleasure lies. The two are inseparable. We sometimes have to face the fact that God has us in a place that we want to be but we fear at the same time.
But would we want it to be otherwise? I think not. Would we choose a normal, mediocre life on cruise control where all is quiet, there are no ripples in the water, no risks, no heartaches to drive us to our knees? Too many people all around us have chosen this existence. Life is meant to be simply survived and then we rest in glory. No pain but no impact.
Paul said, "...all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." That tells me that safe and protected isn't what the Lord had in mind. A difference-making, impactful life that is lived for Him is lived where there is risk of pain and fear of heartache. But that's where God is. That's where there is opportunity for blessings, miracles and greatest joy. That's where obedience may be found, and where the Holy Spirit dwells.
So to all of us who duck and dodge suffering, that's fine. If you want a normal life and a regret-filled deathbed. But I think I'll opt for a life lived to greet death with a smile. One glimpse of His face will erase the pain. Live like Jesus, "who, for the joy set before Him, endured the cross."