Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Joy inexpressible

God still parts the waters. But what may be even more miraculous is to see Him put them back together. I believe I was part of such an event tonight.

A good ol' Baptist church business meeting turned prayer meeting. Who'd a thunk it? We had our regular business meeting with a hot-topic issue on the docket and, in typical God fashion, the issue was gone before it even came up. It didn't even need church approval. Wow. I guess after creating the universe, everything else is small potatos. Or potatoes.

What sized up to be a dragging-through-the-mud of our Pastor Search Committee ended up being just the opposite--a vote of confidence for them. Probably a real burr in the saddle to some, but that doesn't matter anymore. Because God showed up.

The unification of our church began tonight. At least I hope so. Many weren't present to weigh in but I feel like this thing might just take off. The weird thing is that it is just what we've been preaching and praying for months. Maybe not weird, how about glorious.

Some months ago, God began burdening a few hearts about love, unity, surrender, compromise, resolution and so forth. I mean really getting to what God wants out of us. Becoming His. Living Christianity instead of merely claiming to. Pursuing peace, humbling ourselves, and LOVING like HE loves. JGen was born out of this. And tonight, about 75 other people followed suit. In a good old-fashioned altar, prayers were offered up on behalf of a church that simply needed to pray as one.

"So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind." Philippians 2:1,2