I have a whole bunch of stuff on my mind. So I'll cover it in multiple posts. It's kind of like cyber-journaling.
This is my first post in a week, a long time for me. Sarah made me feel guilty for not writing as much because I like to read what you all have to say. It keeps me in touch with you guys throughout the week. I imagine it would be much more important if I were away at college. So I've decided to give you all the privilege of getting to know me better. Yeah, I know. It is a blessing.
I Googled "King of kings" for some reason. The responses were about an epic movie from the 1960's (which I've seen and liked), a Motorhead album (can't be good), and a professional wrestler named Triple H, or HHH. We are definitely living in a media-controlled world. Those "days of Noah" that Jesus talked about can't be far away. But I don't mean to discourage. I look forward to the day when Jesus returns and lays the smackdown on a wrestler who refers to himself as the king of kings.
Thanks to Virginia, I laugh everytime I think of the word capitulate. It reminds me of that scene in "Tommy Boy" where Farley and Spade are stoned in the car and keep repeating, "...speed limit, limit, limit," because it sounds funny to them. Thanks, V-Baby. Sweat rings and all.
Easter is coming and it's my favorite day of the year. Because of what we celebrate but also because of all the new clothes and dressed-up kids in little dresses and suits and ties. All of the colors are so bright and pretty (so they tell me).
I'm really excited about the upcoming JGen summer. The activities we came up with the other night are sure to be fun and purposeful. Definitely a summer we'll never forget.
Prayer is the topic of the day and I say, "Hallelujah." I believe it is the key to everything we want to see God do in our lives and around us. More importantly, what He wants to do, whether we are aware of it or not. I told my guys Sunday night that if we get our prayer lives right, and I mean really right, and take on an attitude of true humility and willingness, then He will change things in a way we could never imagine. Everything will change.
Speaking of prayer, and I apologize if I'm out of line, I am really burdened for three of our own. As you may know, Heather, Rachel, and Sarah's mom is going through a very difficult time. My heart goes out to Autumn, who has been very good to me. What better way for us to start sharpening our prayer skills than to lift up this family that is so very close to all of us. Mays girls, I pray for you three intently every day. I'm sure the stress and worry of this time can be overwhelming, especially with all of life's other cares. Praise to God that He is able to handle all our trials, physical and emotional. I love you gals very much and I think I speak for the whole crew when I say we've got your back.
Enough for today? I think so, too.
Four days to go.