Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's about dang time...

I got some good news tonight.  I'm usually a very patient person, but even I have a limit.

Remember the house deal?  Well, that was a while back.  As in April 16th.  I had become discouraged at times because it seemed as if the sale was never going to happen.  O, me of little faith.

Due to banks being tight with their money, buyer financing woes, divorces (not mine), and a painfully slow credit-check process, it has taken six long weeks for the proverbial ball to start rolling again.  The buyer was finally approved.  


So the big obstacle is out of the way, all that's left is a home inspection and negotiating the final price.  My ace-in-the-hole is the ever shrewd and sly Ryan Thomas.  We're looking, tentatively, at the end of June for closing.  JGenners, roll your sleeves up.  It's time for some old-fashioned community service... by community I mean me. 

As soon as the closing date is set, I'm packing up.  Several of you wonderful people have already volunteered so I'm calling your bluff.  I'll let you know the specifics later.  Lucky for all of us, some of the heavy furniture is staying.  Like I said, shrewd and sly.

Juli Thomas, who is my shopping adviser in all things, is excited to spend my money on some new furniture and appliances, not to mention decor.  Ryan gets a little sparkle in his eye when I mention a new television.  My over-crowded "junk" room is reserved for Heather, who swears she volunteered several times to help me clean it out months ago, something I have yet to recall.  Nevertheless, guys can show off your newly acquired brawn while the pretty people have to make sure that all the colors match and the place is cozy and inviting.

Now that I have formed a plan, I'm sure it will fall apart, everyone will be busy or on vacation, and I will move everything by myself just like I did last time.  Ah, yes.  The best laid plans...

It doesn't matter, though.  I'm still really excited about the whole thing.

And the #1 reason to live in South Knoxville.... Ye Olde Steak House.

I went there tonight and my belly is really happy about it.