Monday, January 12, 2009

I absolutely LOVE this!!

With so much going on at church right now, it's kinda hard to keep up. Disciple-Now is here and the excitement surrounding it is electric. The leaders are excited, the kids are excited, I think even Ryan is excited, and there's not even a ball game involved.

I love to see a buzz about God. I love to see commitment and passion for the things we're doing. I love it when people care that it's done right.

Let's face it, there are a hundred ways to do something and a hundred people will each have their own way. But the great thing about developing a family (more on that to come) is that those one hundred ways become one. Willingness and compromise are essential to unity. And that's what I love more than anything--to see people work it out.

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works." --Hebrews 10:24

A little stirring up isn't necessarily a bad thing, right? It means to provoke. I think sometimes we are provoked to be passionate, to care. In those situations there is opportunity for God to be glorified. Because no matter how it gets done or what it ends up looking like, it's all for Him. And the family is just a little bit tighter afterwards.

As always, I'm only about half-informed. But kudos just the same.