Sunday, December 28, 2008

Something about sheep

This kinda came to me at church. Heather let me read something she wrote and there was a line that said, "Dumb sheep."

For some reason I wrote this as it was coming to mind. Didn't really know where it was going when I started it. Just thought I'd share it here.

Please don't think I'm bashing any particular age group at church. When I speak of the "Old Ones" I'm referring to those who have been in the flock a long time. That has nothing to do with age.

Sheep are dumb. But just smart enough to be themselves.

Some sheep have followed the Shepherd for so long that they stop listening. The older members of the flock have learned the routine. They recognize the pastures, they know which turn to take at which valley, and the easiest path through the mountains.

They're on cruise control. The Shepherd exists for the young ones.

They're just smart enough to be the flock.

The old ones don't realize their influence on the young ones. The young ones look to the old for guidance.

So what happens when the Shepherd gives a new command?

The old ones stumble. They can't comprehend. The routine is broken and they wander, looking for a way to return to the tired, worn paths.

But the young ones? They see the confusion of the stubborn ones and they turn to the Shepherd for direction.

All commands are new to the young ones. They willingly obey the commands for they know the Shepherd is guiding them to greener pastures.