The team I am speaking of is one half of the VBS crew. Half of our fellow travelling partners are in Baba Novac village. Our team in Tataresti is as follows:
Benji, Angela, and Bennett
Snoop Doug
Johnny DQ
Hannah G-riffin
Translators...Bianca and Corrina
and, yours truly.
We had about sixty kids the first day, and our "top score" for the week was around 100. Salvation decisions are somewhere around 50-60. But, like I said, many stories and blog posts to come. Not just from me, I'm sure.
Anyway, we are safe and having a great time. We have a youth rally tomorrow and Monday is a free day. We then leave for Austria (G'day, mate!), and then homeward bound. I have loved this trip but I think I'm ready to start thinking about home again. Truth is, I miss y'all a whole bunch. As amazing as this experience is, there's no substitute for home, JGen, SCBC, Frequency, and everything else we've left behind.
And apparently we have to arrange our own transportation from McGhee-Tyson, a tidbit I missed out on earlier. So if anyone is in the taxi business next Thursday, I'll call you from Chi-town.
La Revedere!