Monday, May 18, 2009

Do you ever feel like you have sooooo much going on....

that if something doesn't give, each cell in your body is going to split off in its own direction causing you great physical pain?

I do.


I'm sure you've heard all the controversy surrounding "Angels and Demons." It's the prequel to "The DaVinci Code" and is just as offensive to Christianity, so they say. Being a curious sort, I couldn't resist reading it. I'm about halfway through it now and I absolutely must finish it before I see the movie.

I can understand why some people wouldn't like it, especially if you're of the Catholic persuasion, but I really don't understand why there has to be a "witch trial" of sorts from the national church.

Two words: it's fiction.

Yes, the book pretty much runs down everything we believe in. Yes, it exalts science and astro-physics as the fundamental truths of the universe and creation. And yes, it glorifies any and all opponents to Christianity, not to mention painting the Catholic faith as moronic and narrow-minded.

Two more words: it's fiction.

I am in no way defending the book, author, or movie. But I can read a book for the purpose of reading a book.

I look at fiction as fantasy. It's an escape, something I do to take me away from my everyday cares and concerns. If I'm looking to elevate my theology, I'll pick from a different shelf.

I think my big gripe is how the Christian flag-waving community gets all torqued out over a best-seller, but sometimes ignores the less fashionable issues. That's just kinda following the world, I think. Didn't Someone already win those battles?

I don't think we should try to stand toe-to-toe with the world's issues. I don't think we should use the same platform to voice our side of the argument. We are commanded to be humble, meek, Christ-like, and let our actions and our ways speak for us. God promises to set the world straight about Him in His appointed time. Until then, let's just keep living for God, spreading His message, and leave the politics out of it. It's a distraction, just Satan's way of painting us all in a negative light, anyway.