Sunday, October 5, 2008

Go or Whoa?

Dilemma - at what point do we toss in the towel? How long do we beat our heads against a wall before we admit defeat and concede that the wall is just never going to crumble?

As I pray, fast, ponder, meditate, and over-analyze, I find this question doesn't have a cut and dried answer. Let's take a closer look at the wall. We'll call it "Stubborn" from now on.

For self-doubting me, I always end up questioning if Stubborn came from God. So that's the real question, isn't it? Because if Stubborn came from God then, of course, the towel is never thrown in until He says it is. We don't walk away from obedience just because it gets tough or seems to be going against us. With that established, we can now focus on who brought Stubborn to us.

James 1:17 tells us every good thing comes from above. Is Stubborn good? Only if "it":
  • glorifies God
  • increases our desire to know Him more
  • intensifies our walk
  • leads us to recognition of our sin and repentance
  • gives us a greater peace with God
  • most importantly, agrees with God's Word

What about the other option? Satan wants to weigh in on this, too. Maybe Stubborn:

  • doesn't resemble God
  • keeps us from the things of God and causes us to drift away
  • interferes with our service and worship
  • leads us to compromise and acceptance of our sin
  • causes strife, with God and others
  • most importantly, is in opposition to God's Word

Hmm. That clears things up a bit. I'm just thinking out loud here. But I think I'll keep trying that wall. God says it will crumble.

The inmates are running the asylum.

So I have just finished up some committee work for church and can't help wondering, "who the crap do we think we are"? I've been reviewing e-mails that pertain to a situation that occurred before I was on the committee. Apparently the situation may be revisited so I needed to be brought up to speed. Well, lucky me! Eye-opener to say the least.

I'm terribly disappointed in the existing leadership, or so it's called. What is it about being on a committee that makes someone power trip as soon as they are elected? IT'S JUST A COMMITTEE, FOLKS!!! It is called serving. You know, like Jesus did!?! You remember Him, don't you? Son of God, spotless lamb, died for our sins and all that? He came to serve, said that Himself. So why do we think we are here to rule?

Committees are necessary. Call them teams if you want to. The truth is when you have 300 people together you have to delegate duties and responsibilities. Nothing wrong with that. But if it causes you to think you are the leader of the free world then SCRAM! Check yourself, judge yourself.

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned."

"...For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return."

Alright, I think I'm better now. Sorry for venting. No, actually I'm not. That's what this blog is for. But here's free advice and it comes straight from the Word of God:

"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal inetersts, but also for the interests of others." (Philippians 2:3,4)