Last night I commented to someone that I thought I was getting sick. Well, aren't I just the little prophet? My head feels like it's filled with a cookies-and-cream milkshake. And I'm coughing something with a similar consistency. So I'm taking some sort of Ny-Quil, Sudafed, Robitussin, Tylenol macchiato latte concoction. If my thoughts for the day seem random, now you know why.
1) I love hanging around with college people. They are always spouting what Professor So-and-So said about such-and-such. With all the new things filling their minds, they can't help but let it overflow. I didn't attend college, just a year of tech school and it's my greatest regret. I would've done well in college because I love to read and I love to learn. It's almost like a passion. I yearn to learn (ha!). So when I read blogs or have conversations with folks like Spanky, Sarah, Virginia and others, I can't help but soak it up. It's like I get a do-over.
2) I heard one of those hardcore T.V. preachers tonight and they actually made a very good point. In between all the sweating and "ah-huh's", he mentioned that we sometimes treat the church building like the Old Testament temple. He said since our bodies are now the temple of God, we should think of them the way we do our sanctuaries. There are numerous things we wouldn't dare think of doing at church. But if we are the real temple we are supposed to be, those things we wouldn't do at church, we shouldn't do in our hearts and minds. I just thought that was a fresh perspective.
3) I was making one of my favorite dishes for supper, garlic and broccoli rotini. While the pasta was boiling, I laid down on the couch to let my head recover and I dozed off. I burned pasta. Rotini shouldn't be black, I think. That really ruined my day. So I settled for a potted meat sandwich. Yummy still, but not the same.
4) When Balaam's donkey talked to him, he talked back without hesitation. Do you think he wondered what the crap was going on? HIS DONKEY TALKED TO HIM!!! When I read the story, I always have visions of Shrek.
5) The funniest thing I heard today: "This stimulus package, which I hope fails, had better work." --Stephen Colbert
6) For anyone who is interested, Dinner and Danger will be Saturday at 5:00 p.m. in the youth center. Heather will be reprising her role as Bess Page, I will play the role of Frankie Falvo, a two-bit gangster thug, and I'm not sure if any other JGenners are in this one. Come if you can and support Jeff and his on-going ministry.
7) Finally, the Bible verse that really stuck with me today.
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And He who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. --Romans 8:26, 27
We talked last Friday about the anointing of the Spirit upon salvation. I rejoice in knowing that I have an Intercessor to carry the longings of my heart to God, even when my feeble, human mind can't form the words to express them.
I guess that's all for tonight. I apologize for the incoherency. Everyone have a great day.