Tonight I grilled three roasts. Seriously, these were three of the biggest steaks you've ever seen. But that's not what this post is about (although, Sarah scarfed hers down in record time).
For the past two nights, I've watched Sarah and Spenser prepare their genograms. Apparently, my dining room table makes a wonderful craft area. As I watched them research their families and write (or fabricate) positive and non-dysfunctional things to say about their relatives, I couldn't help but wonder what a genogram of our church family would look like. If we were given the task of describing our spiritual relatives, those in our close circles at church, could we honestly describe them in uplifting and positive terms? Or would the diagram overflow with flaws and deep, personal issues?
What I noticed the most is that the people on their family trees that had the most positive words describing them were the ones they knew the best. But the people who were distant or they just didn't know very well had all these generic and sometimes bluntly truthful descriptions.
Maybe if we took the time to get to know our church family a little better we would find it easier to describe them using words that portrayed them in a positive light, instead of tearing them down all the time.