You see above a bird's-eye view of Winterjam, more specifically Third Day. I'm sure you recognize Mr. Powell on the screen. I've heard countless bands in my well-worn life, but I really think these guys are the best live band I've ever heard. But that's not what this post is about.
This is to thank my dear, lovely friend, Vanessa. You see, I had plans to go to Winterjam with family Thomas when Vanessa called and asked if I would like to sit with her and a crew in her company's skybox at Thompson-Boling. Well, DUH! She said she had four seats available and, coincidentally, we needed four seats. In the meantime, the number we needed changed to five so I called her back and regretfully declined.
Then, about two hours before the show, she said some seats opened up and I could bring my five. SWEET!
As you can see, the seats were fabulous. Perfect, I would say. And private, not crowded, and the bathrooms didn't have troughs.
The show was great. We all had a blast, even though Juli was terrified of getting too close to the edge, to the point that she crawled on hands and knees up the steps. Trust me, it was snort-worthy laughter.
Vanessa, I don't know if you read these posts anymore, but just in case you do, I think you rock! So do the Thomases and the Reagans, who have continually commented on how gracious you are to have let us come and hang out with you in such sweet digs, especially since we don't hang out enough, anyway. That's two really big favors I owe you now; favors that I probably will not be able to repay.
Honestly, God is really good to have given an idiot like me such great friends. It seems I'm always in amazing company, no matter where I am.
chuckkkyyyyy i do read your blog! and you are a great friend too! :D i think you and your friends rock and im so glad you all could join me! let's not let months pass before we hang out again, okay? :)