Monday, December 7, 2009

"If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn't be more surprised."

I am T-A-R-D, tired. Too much for one evening. But I want to share some exciting news.

Today after work, I had a meeting with the rest of the Technology committee (yes, prestigious, I know) at a business in Alcoa. This particular company has been chosen by us to install the media presentation system in the sanctuary. Today's meeting was sort of a final walk-through with the equipment we'll be getting and one last demonstration, and, of course, final numbers.

The exciting part of this, from a strictly gadget standpoint, is the super-cool touch-screen controller. It's amazing. From this one controller, we'll be able to control the TV's, lighting, cameras, computer, DVD player, and in the future, even security system and thermostat.

These will all be set up on presets, meaning that when the choir finishes singing, and it's preachy-time, touch one little icon on the screen and the lights will automatically dim in the choir loft and spot the pulpit and stage. Just between you and me, that's awesome!

You can touch another little icon and lock down every single outside door, just like in the movies! Or, adjust the temperature in the room the same way.

But the real motivation behind the whole project is the plasma TV's. If you were there Sunday morning and had to endure the fiasco with the projector-on-the-pulpit, and the drop-down screen, you will appreciate the renovation. We'll have two 65" plasmas on each side of the baptistry "window" and two 58" facing the choir on the walls above the doors. We're finally approaching the 21st century at SCBC so hang on, don't be scared and it'll all be over soon. It's called progress, people.

But I want to be up-front with y'all. I have been on this committee for three years now. This project has taken nearly two of those years to put together and finalize, with others, not me, doing the legwork. I am all for this because: 1) it's a worship tool, it's modernizing, it's a sign that we aren't dead yet, and 2) it causes us to spend money.

Yep. I said it's a reason to spend money. What I mean is that our church has had a healthy bank account for quite some time, and it's growing. That's awesome. But if it's there and stays there, then there's a problem. A church with a fat vault is a church that is not giving it all to God. I don't think that our community is that well off. There are areas that could use that money. I wish with everything that we were spending this on other things instead of TV's. I could live without this new media system. It will be nice but I have worshipped just wonderfully without it for years. It's a take or leave for me.

But if we aren't going to spend money on really, really important things, at least spend it on something. At least turn loose, open the coffers, and show that we don't worship that fat bank account. Just get rid of it. Spending it on the building may be on the bottom of the list of importance, but it will spend just the same. Use the blessing if you want further blessing.

Make sense? Maybe not to anyone but me. I know it doesn't sound logical to know there are needs and then approve spending the money on wants, but I think the big step is spending at all. It won't hurt, I promise, and maybe it will prove to certain church members that it's just money. Money is of no use unless it's being used. And hopefully, this will lead to more that we can spend on the really significant and eternal things.

But the TV's are sweeeeet! just the same.

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