As the old saying goes, "The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree." It was Noah's Ark Night in Awana and all the kids looked awesome in their favorite animal costumes. Master Fowler here was going for an elephant, but managed to pull off a very convincing mouse.
Tonight I just want to say that God really is way too good to me. Even with my chronic faithlessness, He graces me with answered prayers.
I spent a great deal of time over the past few days in prayer about a specific issue. I practically begged and pleaded, beseeched even, for God's mercy regarding something that is literally crippling to me. Deep down, I don't feel like these prayers should be answered, even though I really, really want them to be. Let's face it, no one likes to be knocked off their feet no matter how much they deserve it.
But God sees things differently than I do. I'm very glad of that. It seems that the hardest person for me to forgive is me. In the words of the ever wise and philosophical Kimbo Slice, "The enemy is the inner me." But God doesn't see things the way I, and Bro. Slice, see them. His forgiveness is forever, unconditional, and His mercies are everlasting. I can beat myself up over something for years, but God has cast it away.
You'd think I would learn that after a while. How many times does God have to show His goodness and love to me for me to get it through my thick skull? Apparently, that question is un-answerable because I'm sure that I will have a time in the near future when I once again take something to God after having judged myself unworthy of blessing.
It seems that I am my greatest obstacle. I know that Satan loves to use my past against me, and I know that God has wiped away that past, " a mighty, mighty wave."
Well, hopefully with more of that grace and mercy I will one day realize that my previous sins haven't tainted me, they haven't ruined me, they haven't made me unfit for service to God, and they haven't lessened me in God's eyes. Only mine.
But He answers; He guards, He strengthens, He delivers, and He gives us the ability to carry on in the work we do.
Shout it loud, y'all.
Ok, so I totally did not realize M. Fowler was supposed to be an elephant. I thought the whole night that he was the cutest mouse I'd ever seen.