I really am unbelievably busy. I don't know exactly what happened to make things this way but once I discover the source, I'm going to be watching for it next time.
But I'm not whining, really. I love this. I remember all too well times when I sat around with nothing to do, not even able to imagine something to do. The best thing is that everything that fills my time right now involves church.
If anyone complains about nothing going on at SCBC, please send them my way.
Our new Sunday school class went well, I think. It was the first day so there's a guaranteed break-in period. But I'm looking forward to loosening up and really getting serious about discipleship and putting our walks with God first and foremost. Our current study is addressing the battles that we face each and every moment and being prepared to stand. This week is about being blind-sided by temptation because of our spiritual arrogance and finding ourselves numbed to God and slipping away from our relationship with Him. Well, actually the lesson is about how to keep that from happening or at least recognizing when it does and returning. Anyway, I'm really thankful to God for making this happen and I hope it bears much fruit.
I was blessed with the opportunity to help out in Can-Do Club on Sunday morning as well. It was a whole bunch of fun. I think I like this radio show thing because I'm invisible, so to speak. No one can see me. For me it's like playing a role in my own head, only out loud (umm...yeah, whatever). Anyway, it is fun. I've done two or three of them now and I must give credit to Jeff and/or the other writers for developing something for kids that still has Scriptural relevance for old folks, too.
The Technology Committee (I'm one/fourth) is presenting a proposal for media monitors in the sanctuary. This is looooong overdue. I really like the solution we have decided on and hope it passes. Of course, there is resistance but I don't know of another church our size that didn't do this years ago. I bet 200 years ago there were alot of folks who thought it was stupid to spend money on a bunch of books with nothing but songs in them. Hmmm....
Well, that's all I have. My noggin is fried. But I hope everyone has a great day. And since I've been studying about falling into deceptions and being led astray, I'll mention how easy it has been in the past for me to do that very thing. I never saw it coming, and usually I followed something that I attributed to the "hand of God at work in my life." Man, we'll believe anything, won't we? Point is, it's not an "out there" kinda thing. Those things are real and if not for the grace of God, we would all become deceived many times a day. Be aware that temptation is a very dangerous thing. Remember what the Bible says that, "even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."
Eyes on Christ, people.
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