Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This and That

Here are a few mid-week things that serve no real purpose other than to let you know what is on my mind.

First, a very happy birthday to Ms. Mays who is probably counting gray hairs at this very moment. Dangit! See, I can't even be nice without not being nice. It's not from lack of effort, I assure you. Sorry, Heather. Let me try again. I hope you have a fabulous birthday, free of smart-aleck comments from jerks like me. ;)

Remember, "Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life." --Proverbs 16:31 (Shoot. Oh, well.)

Seriously, you're a special person. Have a great day.


Next, I've decided that selling your house is probably the number one leading cause of suicide among single, thirty-seven year old, color-blind, white, evangelical Christian males.

I'm about twelve days from closing and the banking industry is still throwing curveballs. Something about FHA and appraisals and blah, blah. At this rate, I'll be homeless and sleeping under the shed at Arrowhead pool in my Steve Urkel sleeping bag.


I was thinking alot today about honesty. Best policy, right? Thou shall not lie and all that? Well, if all that is true, which obviously it is because it's Scripture, then why do people always go ballistic when I tell them the truth? I mean, I am usually a reserved kind of guy who thinks before he speaks, chooses his words wisely, and tries to say what I mean and mean what I say, in humility, when possible. But on those occasions when I am led, prayerfully, to spew my guts and say or do exactly what's on my heart, it seems to up-end the very fabric of existence itself. I am perplexed by that. Do people not like the truth? Or is it just me?


And finally, a verse that has been on my mind, and I share it as encouragement for you.

Cast your burden upon the Lord; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken. --Psalm 55:22

Please continue to pray for Benji and the camp crew.

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