If only I had found this a week earlier. Go here and scroll down the page for something that will surely make you smile on Monday morning, if for no other reason than the fact that your wardrobe could be much worse. Personally, I hope we all get to wear these in heaven.
I am stoked about Friday night. It's a do-over for me and I always, always make the most of second chances. Even though my singing voice sounds worse than Stewart's blown out throat.
Happy, happy birthday to Vanessa, who turns an elderly 23 today. Those of you who met her last week know that she doesn't look a day over 22. Still prayin' for your job, Ness.
Goldy preached a good sermon to the fathers today. I don't have children (I think) (relax, it's a joke) but what he said spoke alot to me, too. His words about leadership, authority, godliness, discipline, being an example by showing an example, and a servant's heart apply to all of us in positions of influence and guidance.
I kept thinking about JGen and the youth. I am somewhat responsible for teaching and leading these most fabulous people, which sucks because I am afraid I'll mess them up. I seem to have a talent for screwing up people's lives. But that's the way God has designed it for now so I keep following and hoping more of Him, and less of me, comes through.
The house deal is back on, albeit somewhat delayed. That means things that were already complicated just got exponentially complicated. So in a week that is completely too busy, I will be trying to pack and move. Or at least pack. I can move next week if necessary. Anyone who has free time this week who just really likes my company can call me at your convenience. Okay, let's just say anyone with free time.
And finally, I am really glad everyone is back from camp. I didn't realize it until this past week but these past twelve months have changed me. I've always missed you guys when you aren't around but it's different now. This has been a year of building and strengthening relationships. Last week I didn't just miss everyone, I felt disconnected and lonely. In praying about it and trying to figure it out, God kinda showed me that my days of independence and emotional isolation are behind me. Gone is the time when I didn't need anyone but me. The Friday night crew and its leaders have become what I do. Call it a "calling" or whatever, but God has confirmed to me that "here" is where He wants me.
So that's my sappy time for the week. I love you guys and love having you all around. Don't let it go to your heads.
Have a good week.
Hey I don't have my car right now but I'll help you with whatever Chuck. My vacation starts Friday also so I'll be able to help you move next week to if you need me. My number is 242-2267 is you don't have it.
ReplyDeleteSunny "D"
Good talk, Russ.