Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Funny how moving isn't just about a new home

So what do you do when you feel the desire for more God? I'm kinda there right now. I've seen and experienced God more in the past year or so than I ever imagined, but now I find myself wanting even more.

The lovely Miss Sarah visited me tonight to help out with my packing. Honestly, she's my favorite person on the planet, even though she laughed herself into suffocation because of my childhood pictures. Amazingly, my junk room is now cleaned out and ready to pack, a feat that I could not have accomplished alone considering I fell off a pole today. More on that in a minute. I exponentially thank you, Sarah. And your hair looks fantastic.

Sarah and I were talking and I was saying how I feel kind of stalled out right now. I usually feel discouraged by this but the more I talked about it and the more I think about it now, I think it's a good thing. I can't help but look back at the growth of this year, for me and the whole student group, and be thankful to God for loving me enough to continue to deepen our relationship, but also for allowing me to be part of the work He's doing at SCBC. But we can't stay there, right? We have to be moving. We have to take steps forward.

So I'm grateful for this desire to progress. It is frustrating at first to want to move forward without knowing the steps to take, but that will come. As we talked about earlier, staying focused on Him and committed to following Him is the key to progress.


Yeah, so I got careless today. I was ascending a pole when I cut out and descended rather rapidly. That's twice in ten years. I've been lucky both times.

The first rule of pole-climbing is to push off when you fall. You NEVER hug the pole because you will burn all the skin off your arms and chest. Well guess what? I have raw meat exposed on my right arm and chest. If anyone wants my DNA sample, there's a streak of skin about twenty feet long on a pole in Holston Hills. And I landed with my knees locked, another faux pas. I think I'm an inch shorter tonight.

Let that be a lesson to all of you. Get plenty of rest or you'll burn the hide off your arms.


  1. im sooo glad you're almost moved!! :)
    but im sooo sorry you fell down a pole. thats scary! glad you're okay! (and i hate to admit it, but i laughed when i read about the DNA sample in holston hills -- in fact, I'm still laughing).

  2. I know a doctor.
