First, a quick story from my day. I have been burdened today, alot. It's the kind of burden that thrusts you at the mercy of God because there is no relief apart from Him. But that's not the story.
Early this morning, like 8:00 early, I get a text message from Virginia about something totally unrelated. Then she asks if everything is okay, at which point I hide my face from nosy onlookers and bawl like a teething baby. Thanks for the care, concern, encouragement, and prayers, V-Baby.
Then, at quitting time, Sarah texts me about something else unrelated, then asks about my day and also promises to be thinking about me. Thanks, smays, for encouragement number two. I'm naming my daughter Earnestine Carver, by the way.
So I leave work and go to the church in the hopes of just finding a pick-me-up and, lo and behold, I find Benji, Virginia and Rachel. If that's not a pick-me-up I don't know what is. They're discussing a situation that is eerily similar to my issue and I found comfort in hearing how Rachel is seeking God's wisdom about it. I think few of us will ever be the kind of friend that Rachie is.
So, thank you, Mays girls and Virginia. You're good medicine.
Now then. It's favorite Bible character time. Mine is Joseph (I'm thinking J4Gen). I read his story all the time and never get tired of it. He suffered much at the hands of others but always remained faithful to God. He was thrown into a pit, undeservedly, then sold into slavery, then thrown into another pit, undeservedly again (because of a woman, go figure), then forgotten about for two more years after the cupbearer promised to remember him. And all before he was thirty.
He was made overseer of his master's house, because God was with him.
He was put in charge of the prisoners, in the same prison in which he was a captive, because God was with him.
He was blessed with dream interpretation, which he never took credit for but always proclaimed, "It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer." (Genesis 41:16)
He was raised up from slavery to the second most powerful position in the world, because God was with him.
And he rescued his family, the ones that wanted him dead. And he forgave them before they asked. Don't see that too often, do we?
Joe was the man. He suffered and praised God. He succeeded and praised God. He was always faithful, no matter the circumstances or how it might benefit him. He stayed true to God whether it meant life or death, with no regard for what others thought. And God blessed him for it.
Now, I have an affinity for Egyptology. It has always fascinated me, probably because of the biblical relationship. But if I lived in the time of the Old Testament, I would not want to be an Egyptian. Bad juju. But Joseph had it good as an Egyptian, yes, because God was with him.
I really love the parallels between Joseph and Jesus. The rejection, the suffering, the faithfulness, the exaltation, and the salvation. Because of Joseph, the Hebrew race, not to mention the Egyptian empire, was saved. Because of Jesus, the human race was saved.
And this is way cool. Joseph, upon being appointed as governor, was given an Egyptian name by Pharaoh... Zaphenath-paneah. It loosely translates as "Savior".
Okay, I'll stop. This post has been long enough and you people have work to do. But I want to know about your favorite Bible people and why they are special to you. So, have at it. Blow up my inbox.
I'll blow up your text box ... how's that?
ReplyDeleteMy all time favorite Bible character is Rahab. She gets this tiny little story about her prostitution (oh, how sad) ... but she really did amazing things.
I guess what has always struck me is how sure her faith was.
She decided to believe in the God of these two homeboys who show up at her house, chased by the cops (this is the "wassup" version). And she believes so strongly that their God is real that she knows she is facing death.
And so she asks to be spared. That makes me wonder how many times we don't have because we don't ask.
So she asks to be spared, and these dudes tell her to hang a red ribbon out her window. My response probably would have been "Yeah, I'll get right on that."
But she does. She hangs out this ribbon, and she plans a little miracle for herself.
And lo and behold, she gets one. She's saved, cause she had faith.