finally. The "revival" at my church, I mean. I'll catch a whole lot of grief for this post, but, sorry. This is my place to be honest. If you don't like it, click on the little red "X" at the top right of your screen.
I put quotations around revival because that seems to be just the accepted word we use for any church service that is on a weeknight. If it were truly a revival, we wouldn't have to have them twice a year.
Don't get me wrong. The evangelist spoke many good, solid biblical truths. We saw decisions for Christ. But my issue is that the sermons were geared toward a different church. It was old school "repent or be damned" all the way. Again, not untrue but I believe we are in a different place.
I grew up hearing about the awful, torturous fires of hell. I've seen many men point out at the congregation, red-faced and bloodshot-eyed, and scream, "Come to Jesus or burn in hayul!" Well, duh. How many people have ran to the altar begging for mercy because the preacher had scared them into thinking that eternal fire was creeping up their britches leg?
So here is the official Carver position:
It's not hell's fires that make me shudder, it's the eternity without God. No good, no mercy, no hope, no anything at all to ease the suffering. Just darkness; physical, emotional, spiritual darkness. Forever. No relief, no tears of joy, no restoration, no peace in the storm. Just the unending storm itself.
This evangelist quoted, as they all do, Billy Graham's famous remark, "Eighty-five percent of all church members are lost." I say that's probably right. But it's because of preaching like that. Those people were told to pray a prayer that would keep them from burning, and to give up their sinful ways. They were never told what to turn to. They weren't told that they needed to put on the love of Christ. They weren't told about God's love, only His wrath and judgment.
I want to see people fall in love with God. I want them to accept Him because of who He is and what He has done, and why He did it. Not because of the condemning Law. Not because of impending pain, but because of immeasurable love.
When people fall in love with God, their lives change. Devotion, commitment, and a desire to please Him replace the sinful patterns of the old self. The pyramids of Egypt weren't built by slaves fearing the king's wrath, they were built by loving, devoted followers of someone looked upon as a god. You catch my drift?
We need to spread the message of love. God wants His message of love spoken, preached, taught, shouted, and proclaimed. At least that's what I'm hearing from Him lately. Maybe it's just me. But I think love is a better motivator than fear. It's all there in the Bible, ya know. "Perfect love casts away fear." "Love bears all things. Love never fails." "For God so loved the world." Yada, yada, yada. Blah, blah, blah. Etc., etc.
I think that's what the world needs to hear. His love redeemed us. His love sent Jesus. His love provides the way. His love changes hearts.
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