I was the first.
"But God chose the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." 1 Corinthians 1:27
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Something about sheep
For some reason I wrote this as it was coming to mind. Didn't really know where it was going when I started it. Just thought I'd share it here.
Please don't think I'm bashing any particular age group at church. When I speak of the "Old Ones" I'm referring to those who have been in the flock a long time. That has nothing to do with age.
Sheep are dumb. But just smart enough to be dangerous...to themselves.
Some sheep have followed the Shepherd for so long that they stop listening. The older members of the flock have learned the routine. They recognize the pastures, they know which turn to take at which valley, and the easiest path through the mountains.
They're on cruise control. The Shepherd exists for the young ones.
They're just smart enough to be dangerous...to the flock.
The old ones don't realize their influence on the young ones. The young ones look to the old for guidance.
So what happens when the Shepherd gives a new command?
The old ones stumble. They can't comprehend. The routine is broken and they wander, looking for a way to return to the tired, worn paths.
But the young ones? They see the confusion of the stubborn ones and they turn to the Shepherd for direction.
All commands are new to the young ones. They willingly obey the commands for they know the Shepherd is guiding them to greener pastures.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas wish from me
I simply want more of God. In me, in you, in our church, in JGen, in youth, in leadership, in everybody. All it takes to make that happen is for all of us to become a little more aware, humble ourselves a little more, repent of that secret sin, stop our rebellion to God, and seek His face. I mean really seek it.
If we will put an end to our attitude that "everyone else needs to do what I've done and be like me," maybe we will see some glorious things. Moving on...
My heart goes out to those who celebrate Christmas without knowing why. Each year they take their days off work, buy presents, gather with family, go to office parties and all the other things that go along with Christmas-time. And they do it in the name of a Love they don't know. I'm talking about the people who don't know Jesus. I've always wondered how you celebrate the birth of someone you don't believe in.
You don't. You celebrate a day, not a birth. If only they knew the joy of experiencing that birth take place inside their own heart. If they could just see Christmas through redeemed eyes. I guess that's where we come in.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. I hope this coming year sees more of God in us and around us. That's up to us, also.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Silent night???

It's late and dark, save for one very bright star, and the couple settles into their accomodations. A group of shepherds in a field outside of town rest against the hillside while their flock lazily grazes. It's clear and cool as the fire casts the only light to be seen. Far to the east, a small band of noblemen mount their caravan and begin the long journey that will take them to pay homage to a King.
I wonder what it's like when an angel suddenly appears? Would it just materialize? Would there be the sound of a crack!, like a house-elf apparating? Maybe it depends on the reason the angel has come. To proclaim God's judgment would most certainly be a dramatic event. To tell a young woman she will bear the Son of God would be a joyous but personal and intimate occasion. But what about to tell men that the Deliverer of all mankind has been sent at last? What would it have been like to be a shepherd witnessing the revelation of the limitless love of God being poured out to humanity in its fullness?
With the one, lone angel appeared a "multitude of the heavenly host." Multitude and host are both defined as "a great number." So there appeared a great number of the great number of angels. And they were praising God and singing.
I think the night was not so silent after all.
I think no song has ever been sung as loudly as "Glory to God in the Highest." I think no melody has ever evoked more emotion in the human heart. And yet, I still think the celebration here on earth was restricted. For our bodies of flesh can only bear so much.
In the timeline of the Immortal One, two thousand years is a tick. Maybe, in heaven, they are still proclaiming the mercy and grace of God as shown to us that night.
The Bible says the angels rejoice over one sinner brought to repentance. John heard many sounds and voices when he was given the revelation of Christ. He described hearing rushing waters and a sound like a trumpet blast. The Israelites, at Mount Sinai, couldn't bear to hear the voice of God. They were terrified and begged Moses to once again be their liaison. But God is so great and awesome that He can speak a whisper to a humble heart.
If I could have one wish granted this Christmas, I wish that I could be supernaturally transported back to that "silent" night. That one night in all of history that all of history was created for. I would like to peer out from behind a fig tree and see the heavenly host. I would like to hear that song.
Then I'd go by the Bethlehem NICU.
Dreams do come true

This photo is of the city hall in Vienna. It seems their municipal planners think differently than ours here in K-town.
Anyway, please pray for our team but also pray for God's blessing. You see, this is an expensive trip. I'm poor. See the problem? I have had thousands of dollars worth of dental bills recently (yes, yes, my fault, I know) so I need God to come through. I hear He's rich and benevolent.
And pray for the young ones on this trip. I've been once so I know that even though we live in a "padded room" world, there are some scary things about traveling to a third-world, former communist country.
I thought some of you other bookworm dorks might find this interesting, too.

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Third post of the day. Man, I gotta get a life.

Okay. I'm a guy so that means I am visually stimulated. When I hear of place, I need to be able to picture it.
This photograph looks across the Jabbok River to the hill of Peniel. It was here that Jacob wrestled with God.
The Bible says that Jacob sent his two wives, two servants, and eleven children across the ford of the Jabbok. That would be here. I mean right here. Try to picture in your mind the events of that night unfolding. The darkness, the sudden appearance of a stranger, and a wrestling match.
Interesting note: One commentary I read mentions a play on words in the original Hebrew language. God wrestled (ye'abeq) with Jacob (ya'aqob) by the Jabbok (yaqqob). Uh, yeah. I get it.
Hmmm. What does this mean?
Revival, awakening, blah, blah, blah
I think we humans feel the need to put names and descriptions on things because it helps us feel like we are in control, even if just a little. Do you really think God sits up there and says, "You know what? I think I'll spark a revival at Stock Creek. No. Wait. Maybe I had better make it an awakening instead. That might work better. No, no, definitely a revival. Argh! I don't know. I just can't decide!"
Get my point? See, I had many conversations today about last night. I did this on purpose because I couldn't put my finger on what I was thinking about it. I walked away last night feeling something between joy and frustration with a smattering of hope thrown in. So I asked a few people what their feelings were.
The responses were a little of everything. Some are overjoyed. Some are unaffected. Some don't think anything real happened. And some, like me, really want it to be real and lasting. Too many times these things wear off within days. So with my joy and excitement comes a touch of reservation. (I'm like that about most things) At least until it bears fruit. That will be the proof. And I have faith that it will bear fruit.
My only regret is that after the prayer time in the altar, we didn't go back and talk some more. I would like to have had a discussion about the church and its future after we had talked to God about it. I think we talk about things and then ask God to agree with us. Kinda backward, ain't it?
Anyway, whatever it is I say bring it on. If God is in it, it has to be good.
I would like to say thanks to Juri Thomas. I talked to her about how I was numb during the prayer time last night. I just couldn't feel anything at that moment. All these people around me were crying and pouring out their hearts and there I sat, my heart a stone cold, black lump of coal. I was practically begging it to break so I could be part of what was going on. Well, Juli reminded me that I've already been there. "You've already had your slap, why would God give you another one? You're past that, I think." That made me realize that last night wasn't about what I was praying. It was the answer to my prayers.
So here's my word on the matter. It isn't about Stock Creek, search committees, Benji, Dr. Golden, e-mails, jobs, or anything else. It is about God alone. Whatever He is doing is for His purposes and His glory. Not mine or yours. When we stop trying to compromise and start surrendering, laying down all that we hold dear and all that we want, then we will see Him and all His glory. Then we will see the blessing.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Joy inexpressible
A good ol' Baptist church business meeting turned prayer meeting. Who'd a thunk it? We had our regular business meeting with a hot-topic issue on the docket and, in typical God fashion, the issue was gone before it even came up. It didn't even need church approval. Wow. I guess after creating the universe, everything else is small potatos. Or potatoes.
What sized up to be a dragging-through-the-mud of our Pastor Search Committee ended up being just the opposite--a vote of confidence for them. Probably a real burr in the saddle to some, but that doesn't matter anymore. Because God showed up.
The unification of our church began tonight. At least I hope so. Many weren't present to weigh in but I feel like this thing might just take off. The weird thing is that it is just what we've been preaching and praying for months. Maybe not weird, how about glorious.
Some months ago, God began burdening a few hearts about love, unity, surrender, compromise, resolution and so forth. I mean really getting to what God wants out of us. Becoming His. Living Christianity instead of merely claiming to. Pursuing peace, humbling ourselves, and LOVING like HE loves. JGen was born out of this. And tonight, about 75 other people followed suit. In a good old-fashioned altar, prayers were offered up on behalf of a church that simply needed to pray as one.
"So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind." Philippians 2:1,2
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Three guesses what this one is about
The point I need to make here is that making decisions or taking action without seeking God is just wrong. And potentially disastrous. As I said in my most recent post, God is moving, big time. He's all over the place at church right now. So why is it that some feel the need to help Him out? Why do we jump in and try to take over when He promises to take care of things in His time? Doesn't faith demand that we trust Him to resolve things when He is ready, and when the things He has caused to work together for good have played out?
God knows what He is doing. I don't believe that man can thwart the purposes of God but I do believe that we can delay them. He gave us freewill to choose Him, but also to choose to follow His plans.
Okay, so Heather beat me to the punch on this, but I share her frustration with this matter. What is happening this week at church is just baloney (see Webster's again). Here's how I see it. If you don't like the work of a particular Search Committee then go to them and express your disagreement to them. Just like the rest of us do. Don't look for a backdoor or a loophole. Our way of doing things might be flawed but it's honest and it has been agreed upon. It works. Maybe not in a way that suits the individual, but it works for the whole. And that encourages unity. It encourages love. The opposite of that is to encourage strife and self-serving. The Bible warns of such things.
I raised my hand in support of the committee. I voted for them as did most everyone else. I have faith in them. I know three of them extremely well and consider them spiritual mentors to me. I sometimes furl my brow at their decisions or their reasoning but I still believe they are seeking God for His glory first, and for the good of the whole. My prayers are continually with them.
The church is the bride of Christ. We are His most precious. He will take care of us. He doesn't need our help to do it. He just needs our obedience and our love for Him. We just have to seek His desires and follow.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Christmas time's a-coming
I was noticing how this list changes from year to year. The names on the list, at least some of them, are different from last year. What does that say about me?
At first, I felt incapable of maintaining a relationship for more than a year. That's not outside the realm of possibility. But then I thought of how God has worked in my life this year and all the unbelievable things He has done around me and in the lives of the special people in my life.
I've changed a lot this year. The fact that I'm listening to Jeremy Camp, Audio Adrenaline, and Sanctus Real while I write this testifies to those changes. But the changes that caused those changes are much deeper and more real. God showed His love to me this year by simply not letting me go. And He changed my heart. It hasn't been easy and at times it's been maddening but as Sarah said, "Rain makes things grow." "Things grow in valleys," is the way Heather put it, I believe. So, at times I must dwell in the rain and in the valley. But that causes me to remain dependent on God and to grow. Pain or not, that's a fair trade.
I'm working with a short list this year. Not because I'm a Scrooge or a penny-pincher, but because there are a few people who stand out as those who have made an impact on me this year. And since this is the time of year when we celebrate God's showing of love to us, then I'm celebrating the love I've been shown by these folks. To me, that's what gift-giving is about. Saying, "Thank you." It's not about obligation. As always, it's about love.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
It's over.....
I put quotations around revival because that seems to be just the accepted word we use for any church service that is on a weeknight. If it were truly a revival, we wouldn't have to have them twice a year.
Don't get me wrong. The evangelist spoke many good, solid biblical truths. We saw decisions for Christ. But my issue is that the sermons were geared toward a different church. It was old school "repent or be damned" all the way. Again, not untrue but I believe we are in a different place.
I grew up hearing about the awful, torturous fires of hell. I've seen many men point out at the congregation, red-faced and bloodshot-eyed, and scream, "Come to Jesus or burn in hayul!" Well, duh. How many people have ran to the altar begging for mercy because the preacher had scared them into thinking that eternal fire was creeping up their britches leg?
So here is the official Carver position:
It's not hell's fires that make me shudder, it's the eternity without God. No good, no mercy, no hope, no anything at all to ease the suffering. Just darkness; physical, emotional, spiritual darkness. Forever. No relief, no tears of joy, no restoration, no peace in the storm. Just the unending storm itself.
This evangelist quoted, as they all do, Billy Graham's famous remark, "Eighty-five percent of all church members are lost." I say that's probably right. But it's because of preaching like that. Those people were told to pray a prayer that would keep them from burning, and to give up their sinful ways. They were never told what to turn to. They weren't told that they needed to put on the love of Christ. They weren't told about God's love, only His wrath and judgment.
I want to see people fall in love with God. I want them to accept Him because of who He is and what He has done, and why He did it. Not because of the condemning Law. Not because of impending pain, but because of immeasurable love.
When people fall in love with God, their lives change. Devotion, commitment, and a desire to please Him replace the sinful patterns of the old self. The pyramids of Egypt weren't built by slaves fearing the king's wrath, they were built by loving, devoted followers of someone looked upon as a god. You catch my drift?
We need to spread the message of love. God wants His message of love spoken, preached, taught, shouted, and proclaimed. At least that's what I'm hearing from Him lately. Maybe it's just me. But I think love is a better motivator than fear. It's all there in the Bible, ya know. "Perfect love casts away fear." "Love bears all things. Love never fails." "For God so loved the world." Yada, yada, yada. Blah, blah, blah. Etc., etc.
I think that's what the world needs to hear. His love redeemed us. His love sent Jesus. His love provides the way. His love changes hearts.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Image is everything

A few days ago, I wrote about being "sold out." For some reason I feel compelled to elaborate and explain what I mean.
Some months ago, Dr. Sullivan preached about "going a little further." He used the Scripture from Matthew 26 where Jesus goes to pray in Gethsemane. It was his most memorable sermon to date.
That sermon really spoke to me because I was in a place where I had no desire to go further or even go anywhere, really. But it kinda stuck in my head and eventually God used it to change my heart and grow in me the desire to follow Him more closely. It's taken these many months for me to get on board with Him.
So back to sold out. My point of all that is God is calling people to certain things. He's moving alot these days at Stock Creek. I don't think I'm the only one who has been given a message to bring. So, I wonder, who else is like me? Who else has been called but fears isolation? Who fears going it alone? Because I do. I fear it because a single, lonely sheep is easy prey. Too many wolves out there. There are too many ways for me to be distracted and deterred.
So I want to go further. I want to spread the message I've been given--for His glory. That's why I issued the challenge. I really think others feel this way, called and alone. But we don't have to be alone. Strength in numbers and all that jazz. That's the original plan for the church, anyway. It's time we get back to that.
If this speaks to you, pray about it. You may be the reason I felt I should write it.
And I'm taking suggestions to replace the phrase "sold out." I really don't like it and there has to be a different way to say it. Little help, please.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Leftovers and Robert
Occasionally I'll see someone offer him a biscuit, their leftovers that they were too full to eat. Most people, like me, just avoid him altogether. No eye contact at all.
My partner and I stop in two or three days a week for a cup of coffee, an apple pie, or a deluxe big breakfast, all the way, with extra bacon. I see Robert all the time, but I never lift a finger to help him. I won't even look at him.
But not today. This morning, business as usual, I walk past Robert and order my food. While I'm sitting there eating, God brought to mind my post from yesterday which is essentially my new commitment to live more like Jesus. I want people to be touched by Him through me. So today, God called me out.
"Here's your chance, big guy," says God.
"What? Already? This place is full of people. Surely someone else will step up. Can't I have one day to bask in the warmth of my pride?"
"Bask all you want, but do it without Me."
"You want to be like ME? Prove it."
So I finish eating, all the while thinking of what to do. I'm an uncaring coward by nature who would rather keep my comfort zone intact. So I procrastinate. Maybe tomorrow we'll be back. That way I can pray about it tonight and find some charity that I can just write a check to, thus remaining anonymously satisfied. Pray about it...yeah, right.
So, as my partner walks out, I go up to the counter and purchase a gift card. Because at this point I realize God isn't going to let me leave McDonald's until I do something. And I really want to get away from the egg-in-a-jug smell. I walk over to where Robert is and lay the card down and say, with a smile, "Merry Christmas, Robert. God wants me to love you."
Then the weirdest thing happened. He looked at me, returned my smile, and said, "Thanks. I appreciate that." Robert can talk! And he's articulate! No hateful tone, no ogre/troll voice, just a polite thank you.
Before you start thinking that Chuck is swelled with pride and patting himself on the back for his good deed, let me finish the story.
I first saw Robert three and a half years ago. My partner and I have been to this McDonald's at least twice a week for that length of time. I did the math - that's at least 345 mornings that I have denied this man a meal. 345 times that I have turned my back on someone in need. 345 strikes with a hammer, onto a nail, through Holy Flesh, into a Roman cross.
Then He will say to those on His left, "Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink..."
"Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me." (Matthew 25:41-42, 45)
Poor Robert. I don't know his situation. Maybe bad luck, maybe drugs or alcohol, maybe he lost someone he loves. But I've treated him like a leper, a prostitute, a demoniac. I wasn't even willing to give him my leftovers, my scraps. Until today, I couldn't even give him the thing I have an abundance of...love.
I have no way to end this story. Pray for Robert. He's a human being that God loves just as much as He loves me. Pray for me, too.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sold Out (ugh!)
I'm not saying we aren't trying, I just wonder if we are as devoted as we say we are.
Don't take offense, I'm at the top of the list. Here's how I see it. We can't be sold out (a term I despise) on our own. We can't be left alone or rejected like that. We must have compatriots walking with us.
The church is designed as a body. Eyes and ears, fingers and toes, knees and elbows. I personally know a few butts. The point is, it is supposed to work just like our physical bodies - in harmony and for a single purpose. Even if you break it down to a small group level, it's still a functioning body. And a body part can't work alone.
So here's my challenge: I'm ready for the change. But I need my body to come along with me, just like you need me, as part of your body, to come along. I'm ready to disciple, admonish, encourage, pray, carry, walk, crawl, endure or anything else that may be necessary to show this world, or at least our little corner, who and what God is.
People are going to hell. People are suffering here. Some have no hope. Others have no will or desire. I have heaven, peace, hope and purpose. Shouldn't I be sharing it? Did Jesus die exclusively for me?
So, the question I'm afraid to ask is, "Who's with me?" I'm just tired of all talk and no action. Either we are His reflection or we're not.
I believe this is the key to the "abundant life." Not just for me and you but for everyone.
This is the heart and soul of the Jonah Generation. Answering the call. But we need a strong circle of like-minded people to make it work. I'm in. Reverend Mullet is in. How about you?
"If you love Me, "
We all say we love Jesus. I hope. I've never heard any of my Christian friends say, "I don't love Jesus." I hope I never do. So the next question is obvious. Do we obey His commandments?
Because if we don't obey, then, according to Jesus Himself, we don't love Him. That makes me shudder. And heave and convulse. I can't imagine not loving Him after all He has done for me. And after all He has done for the ones I love. He has done everything - He IS everything.
So, His commands. The last thing Jesus said before His ascension was the Great Commission. Think about that. His final words were a command to go and teach others. Makes one think it is important to Him, huh?
Francis Chan puts it this way: "Some people claim that we can be Christians without necessarily becoming disciples. I wonder, then, why the last thing Jesus told us was to go into all the world, making disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey all that He commanded? You'll notice that He didn't add, "But hey, if that's too much to ask, tell them to just become Christians - you know, the people who get to heaven without having to commit to anything."
First John 2:4 says that whoever claims to know Him but does not keep His commands is a liar.
So let's evaluate this "love" we have for Jesus. Is it real? Is it noticable? Can others see it? Only if it is being shared. Only if we take the love that He gives us and give it to those who need it.